
  • Monet;Claude Monet;Jean Monnet
  1. 吉维尼主要的景点是莫奈花园。

    The main attraction at Giverny is Monet 's garden .

  2. 那是莫奈的画吗?

    Is that a Monet ?

  3. 全城最轰动的展览是在美术学院举办的莫奈画展。

    The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute

  4. 我一向敬慕莫奈的早期绘画。

    I always admire monet 's early painting .

  5. 站长也很感动,允许莫奈在火车站台上画画。

    The station master was also impressed and gave Monet permission to paint on the train platform .

  6. 莫奈需要得到许可才能在站台上待着,并用他的印象派风格画出他所看到的东西。

    Monet needed permission to spend time on the train platform and paint what he saw in his impressionistic style .

  7. 站长甚至让火车延时发车,虽然这样让乘客抱怨连连,但莫奈能完成他的场景绘画了。

    The station master even kept trains from leaving on time so Monet could compete a scene even though passengers complained .

  8. 莫奈的朋友,印象派画家皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿,向他的儿子们讲述了关于克劳德·莫奈和画火车的故事。

    Monet 's friend , Impressionist painter Pierre Auguste Renoir , told the following story to his sons about Claude Monet and painting the trains .

  9. 一天,莫奈穿上他最好的西装,戴上一顶漂亮的礼帽,配上一件漂亮的亚麻衬衫和一条丝绸领带。

    One day Monet dressed himself in his very best suit along with a fine top hat , a good linen shirt and a silk tie .

  10. 这一切都值得吗?莫奈那副火车场景的绘画令他的事业走向成功,而火车站站长的站台也因此声名远扬,直至今日。

    Was it all worthwhile ? Monet 's train scenes turned his career into a success and for the station master , made his train station famous until even now .

  11. 莫奈的朋友,印象派画家皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿,向儿子们讲述了克劳德·莫内以及他画火车的故事。莫内需要得到许可才能在火车月台上作画,用他的印象派风格画出他所看到的东西。

    Monet ’ s friend , Impressionist painter Pierre Auguste Renoir , told the following story to his sons about Claude Monet and painting the trains . Monet needed permission to spend time on the train platform and paint what he saw in his impressionistic style .

  12. 看东方:日本如何给莫奈和梵高等西方艺术家带来灵感(LookingEast:HowJapanInspiredMonet,VanGogh,andOtherWesternArtists)


  13. 它很像莫奈的《日本的桥》(TheJapaneseBridge),那幅画5月7日在纽约苏富比的拍卖会上以1590万美元的价格卖给了一位亚洲买家。

    It closely resembled Monet 's " Le Pont Japonais " ( The Japanese Bridge ) , which was sold to an Asian bidder at Sotheby 's in New York on May 7 for $ 15.9 million .

  14. 说西班牙的比赛风格优于阿根廷的风格,就像是说马蒂斯(Matisse)的画作优于莫奈(Manet)的画作。

    Saying that Spain plays a better style of game than Argentina is akin to declaring Matisse better than Manet .

  15. 迈亚特是一位大师作品伪造专家他伪造莫奈(Monet)、毕加索(Picasso)和莫迪里阿尼(Modigliani)的作品他的作品非常具有收藏价值。

    Myatt is a master forger – he makes Monets , Picassos and Modiglianis – whose works have become eminently collectable .

  16. 不久前的一个周日,一度有600个人挤满了艺术馆的两个展厅,观看这个“莫奈:印象派大师”(Monet:MasterofImpressionism)展,该展览持续到6月15日。

    On a recent Sunday , 600 people at a time filled the two rooms of the gallery space to see " Monet : Master of Impressionism , " on view until June 15 .

  17. 其它作品包括莫奈的睡莲系列画作之一,他的1905年印象派绘画《睡莲》(Nymphéas)以5400万美元落槌。

    Others included one of Claude Monet 's water lilies series of paintings while his 1905 impressionist painting " Nymph é as " sold for $ 54m .

  18. 本次拍卖包括莫奈(ClaudeMonet)的五件作品,拍卖总额在苏富比历届印象派和现代艺术拍卖会上排名第二。

    The auction , which included five works by Claude Monet , achieved the second-highest result in Sotheby 's history for any auction of impressionist and modern art .

  19. 还有一本是T·J·克拉克(T.J.Clark)的《人民的肖像:古斯塔夫·库尔贝与1848革命》(ImageofthePeople:GustaveCourbetandthe1848Revolution),它讲述库尔贝和莫奈等艺术家的社会背景。

    Another is T.   J. Clark 's " Image of the People : Gustave Courbet and the 1848 Revolution , " which is all about the social context of artists like Courbet and Manet .

  20. 这一次古泽组织的拍卖会上还会有马克·罗思科(MarkRothko)20世纪50年代的抽象画,估价在4000万美元左右;莫奈(Monet)1902年的系列油画,估价约为3500万美元。

    Other works in Mr. Gouzer 's sale include a 1950s Mark Rothko abstract , estimated at about $ 40 million , and a 1902 Monet series painting , at about $ 35 million .

  21. 拍下这组图片的是48岁的业余摄影师VyacheslavMischenko,他表示组图的颜色和场景让他想起了著名作家莫奈的名画《打阳伞的女人》。

    Amateur photographer Vyacheslav Mischenko , 48 , said that the images ' colours and setting reminded him of Monet 's Woman With a Parasol .

  22. 在莫奈的画展上,K11的营运总经理陈健祥特别提到一幅吉维尼的桥的油画。

    Inside the Monet exhibition , Mr. Chan , K11 " s director of operations , pointed out a painting of the bridge in Giverny .

  23. 展览通常是免费的,但是莫奈展览的门票是100元人民币,约合16美元,用以弥补运输、处理和安保的成本。这些作品是从巴黎的马蒙丹·莫奈博物馆(MuséeMarmottanMonet)借来的。

    Usually the shows are free , but for the Monet show , tickets cost 100 renminbi , about $ 16 , to offset the cost of shipping , handling and security for the works , which have been loaned by the Mus é e Marmottan Monet in Paris .

  24. 克拉克博物馆1955年开放,由辛格缝纫财团的一位继承人创立,它是一个令人敬畏的、充满宝物的博物馆,收藏有欧洲和美国的很多大师的杰作,包括德加斯(Degas)、萨金特(Sargent)和莫奈(Monet)。

    The Clark , which opened in 1955 , founded by an heir to the Singer sewing fortune , is a revered jewel-box museum with a stellar group of European and American works by masters like Degas , Sargent and Monet .

  25. 莫奈和德加对我来说也不是陌生的名字了。

    Monet and Degas are not strangers to me any longer .

  26. 我去艺术画廊看了莫奈的画展。

    I went to the art gallery to see the Monet Exhibition .

  27. 你应该去看莫奈画展,它的确太棒了。

    You must see the Monet exhibition-it 's really wonderful .

  28. 鲁昂大教堂在莫奈的绘画作品中名垂千古。

    Rouen cathedral was immortalized by Monet in his paintings .

  29. 被盗的画作包括毕加索,莫奈和马蒂斯的作品。

    The works were by artists including Picasso , Monet and Matisse .

  30. 我们有莫奈和雷诺阿的一系列精美馆藏。

    We have a fine collection of MANETs and rnoirs .