
cǎo cóng
  • tussock;thick growth of grass
草丛 [cǎo cóng]
  • [thick growth of grass] 丛生的草

草丛[cǎo cóng]
  1. 猫儿蹲踞在草丛中,准备跳跃。

    The cat crouched in the grass , poised to jump .

  2. 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。

    Small things stirred in the grass around the tent

  3. 许多芥子撒向空中,然后落进了草丛里。

    A shower of mustard seeds sprayed into the air and fell into the grass

  4. 他们发现尸体半裸着躺在草丛中。

    They found the body lying half naked in the grass .

  5. 娡米影在高高的草丛中。

    The rabbit hid in the high grass .

  6. 一只野兔影在草丛里。

    There was a hare hiding in the grass .

  7. 一条蛇在草丛里蜷曲着。

    A snake lay coiled in the grass .

  8. 蟋蟀在草丛里唧唧地叫。

    Crickets are chirping in the grass .

  9. 简试图在草丛中找回她丢失的戒指,那真是一种毫无成功希望的举动。

    Jane 's attempt to find her lost ring in the long grass was just a shot in the dark .

  10. 地面上稀疏地覆盖草丛

    The ground was sparsely covered with grass .

  11. 他丢开包袱,爬到灯心草丛里,像牛似的大咬大嚼起来。

    He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass andand munching , like some bovine creature .

  12. 她们早晨在草丛中开放,晚上就凋谢了。

    One morning they would appear in the grass , and by night they would have faded peacefully away .

  13. 小船藏在草丛中—是木头和山羊皮制成的船,又小又粗糙。

    The little boat was hidden in the grass-a small , rough thing , made of wood and goat-skins .

  14. v.(以剑,刀等)砍他用一把长的刀子在高的草丛中开辟出一条小径。v.陷;

    slash He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife .

  15. 土壤颗粒度、pH值、有机质和全氮含量在灌草丛和原生林之间存在显著差异,但所有土壤理化指标在次生林和原生林之间无显著差异。

    There were significant differences in soil grain structure , pH , organic matter and total nitrogen between shrub-grassland and virgin forest , but no significant differences between secondary forest and virgin forest were detected .

  16. 山地草甸、热性草丛和沼泽生长季最大NDVI多年平均值较高,植被状况较好。

    The long time average value of growing season maximum NDVI for mountain meadow , hot herbosa and marsh were higher .

  17. 风速在地面柳枝和生草丛苔原10cm下几乎减弱为零。

    Wind speeds are attenuated almost completely within 10 cm of the ground in willows and tussock tundra .

  18. 随着演替进行,相似性越来越小,相似性系数最大的为2月份的草丛Ⅰ,Cj系数为56.5%,相似性最小的为2月份的原生林,Cj系数为11.1%。

    With the succession , the similarity become smaller and smaller . Similarity coefficient is biggest at the herb clump I in February and its Cj coefficient is 56.5 % .

  19. 11月8日,星期天这天,达拉斯居民SamuelFlores在开车去吃早餐的路上看到一只大白熊犬正警觉地站在人行道的草丛里盯着另一只死去狗狗的尸体。

    On Sunday , November 8th , Dallas resident Samuel Flores was on his way to breakfast when he noticed a Giant Pyrenees standing on the grassy pavement vigilantly watching over the lifeless body of another dog .

  20. Yva说道:我们遇到了两只带着幼崽的袋鼠妈妈,当时他们在草丛中吃草并短暂休息,袋鼠宝宝们不断地把脑袋和腿伸出育儿袋。

    Yva said : This was one of two females with young joeys . The mothers were grazing in short grass and periodically resting , while the babies kept sticking their heads and legs out of the pouches .

  21. 草丛里有虫子吗。心中有距离吗。

    Any insects in the glass ? Any distance between hearts ?

  22. 一个高高的草丛中找到神奇宝贝工具。

    A tool for finding Pok é mon in tall grass .

  23. 滇西北亚高山草甸草丛昆虫多样性研究

    Herb insect biodiversity in subalpine meadow of Northwestern Yunnan , China

  24. 生态与生境:生长于沼泽湿地的草丛和石隙中。

    Habitat and Ecology : In grasses and crevices of marshes .

  25. 山上有一大片草丛。

    There is a big clump of grasses on the hill .

  26. 他震惊无比地仆倒在草丛里,无法呼吸。

    He went sprawling in the grass , stunned and choking .

  27. 草丛中,他看到了潘恩大帝在睡觉。

    Among the woods he sees the great god Pan asleep .

  28. 在高大的草丛中要迷路是很容易的事。

    It is easy to get lost in the tall grasses .

  29. 一头白狮在比人高的草丛中奔跑。

    A white lion ran through grass taller than a man .

  30. 岩石下潮湿的草丛使岩石上渗出水滴。

    Some water distilled over the rocks from the moist undergrowth .