
  • grammar;English Grammar;English Syntax
  1. 我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义。

    I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression .

  2. 他被授予英语语法教授职位。

    He was endowed the chair of English grammar .

  3. 她的英语语法上没错,但是里面夹杂着很多法语短语。

    While her English was correct , it was peppered with French phrases

  4. 自十六世纪以来,学者们一直都在撰写各类英语语法书。

    Scholars have been writing English grammars since the sixteenth century .

  5. 他刚才问了我一个英语语法方面的问题,可把我难住了。

    He caught me out just now with a question on English grammar .

  6. 诺亚认为美国人应该从美国自己的书籍中学习,所以在1783年,诺亚编写了自己的教科书《英语语法原理》。

    Noah thought that Americans should learn from American books , so in 1783 , Noah wrote his own textbook A Grammatical Institute of the English Language .

  7. C高;高职高专英语语法教学高职高专教育的现状及思考

    The Teaching of English Phraseology in Higher Vocational Schools

  8. 英语语法禁止你说成“Itraintomorrow”。

    It 's simply not permissible in English to say , " It rain tomorrow . "

  9. Palmer认为在英语语法中,最难描写的莫过于情态助动词系统(Palmer,1979:preface)。

    Palmer holds that it is the modal system that is most difficult to describe in English grammar .

  10. ESA理论模式在英语语法教学中的调节应用

    ESA in Grammar Teaching

  11. 一部新颖的英语语法著作&谈CaGEL的特色

    A Novel English Grammar On Distinctive Features of CaGEL

  12. 从对语言现象的解释看,本文界定的VP能解释前置、并列、语义投射等多个语言现象,而英语语法中的VP解释不了;

    From the perspective of English language phenomena concerned , it is not the VP in English grammars but the VP in this paper that can be applied to explaining some fronting , coordination , projection , etc ;

  13. 虚拟语气是英语语法各项目中的难项,EFL/ESL学生总觉很难弄懂搞清楚。虚拟语气主要用在主从复合句和简单句中。

    Since the subjunctive mood , a difficult item in English grammar and mainly used in simple sentences and subordinate clauses , has been confusing EFL / ESL students , it is necessary to conduct an adequate discussion and then to bring about a summary .

  14. 我有一些关于英语语法的问题要问你。

    I have something about English grammar to ask for you .

  15. 英语语法和法语语法不很难学。

    English and French grammar are not very difficult to learn .

  16. 平衡教学方法为英语语法教学提供了一个全新的视角。

    It provides the English grammar teaching with a fresh perspective .

  17. 我认为我们学习英语语法是重要的。

    I think it is important that we learn English grammar .

  18. 当代英语语法家为什么采用两时体系?

    Why do most contemporary English grammarians adopt a two-tense system ?

  19. 试论教师创新与英语语法教学

    On the Relationship Between Teachers ' Creativity and English Grammar Teaching

  20. 大学新生英语语法知识薄弱点的调查与补课方法研究

    On Freshmen 's Weak Points in Grammar and an Adequate Remedy

  21. 聋生掌握英语语法的有效教学策略

    Effective strategies to teach hearing-impaired students to study English grammar

  22. 英语语法三大主要流派述评

    A Commentary of the Three Major Schools of English Grammar

  23. 英语语法是中学英语教学中不可缺少的一个部分。

    English grammar teaching is part of English teaching in high schools .

  24. 英语语法教学中时态的教学是一个难点。

    The tense teaching is a difficult point in English grammar teaching .

  25. 外显互动任务法在高中英语语法教学中的应用

    Explicit Interactive Task Instruction in English Grammar Teaching in Senior Middle Schools

  26. 《实用英语语法手册》将分册出版。

    THE APPLIED HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR will be published in numbers .

  27. 小学英语语法教学的原则及方法

    The Principles and Methods in English Grammar Teaching in the Primary School

  28. 你们星期四干什么?我们复习英语语法。

    What do you do on thursday ? We review English grammar .

  29. 副词、介词是英语语法中的两大基本词类。

    Adverb and preposition are two basic word classes in English grammar .

  30. 英语语法真让人困惑.我痛恨它。

    English grammar is so confusing . I hate it .