
  • 网络The English-Chinese Dictionary;unabridged
  1. 陆谷孙是《英汉大词典》的主编,这部颇受欢迎的词典由上海译文出版社出版。

    Lu is the chief editor of The English-Chinese Dictionary , a popular dictionary printed by the Shanghai Translation Publishing House .

  2. 从补编的定义、功能与目的出发,详析《英汉大词典补编》之得失,然后得出其结论。

    Proceeding from the consideration of the definition , function , and aim of " supplement ", the article analyzes in detail the gains and losses in A Supplement to the English-Chinese Dictionary , and then reaches a conclusion .

  3. 双语词典编纂的新文化理念&评《新时代英汉大词典》

    New Cultural Considerations in Bilingual Dictionary Making ─ Comments on New Age English-Chinese Dictionary ;

  4. 上校禁止使用大炮,以免该城的工业遭受破坏。(陆谷孙《英汉大词典》)

    The colonel forbade the use of artillery lest the city 's industry ( should ) be damaged .

  5. 新时代需要这样的新时代英汉大词典&《新时代英汉大词典》述评

    New Age Needs Such a New Age English-Chinese Dictionary & An Initial Study of The New Age English-Chinese Dictionary

  6. 当代词典编纂中科学精神与人文精神的系统融合&兼评《新时代英汉大词典》的编纂

    The Systemic Union of Scientific and Humanistic Spirit in Present-day Dictionary Compiling : With New Age English-Chinese Dictionary as an Example

  7. 本文试图对《新时代英汉大词典》的主要特色以及其中例证的译文的汉语处理两方面问题加以讨论。

    This paper is intended to discuss the outstanding features of The New Age English-Chinese Dictionary and its Chinese rendition of the examples cited to illustrate the use of some of the entries .

  8. 本文通过对《英汉大词典》及其《补编》的观察,从收词、释义、例证、习语、词(语)源、文化注释、附录等方面讨论该词典文化信息的体现以及存在的不足。

    This paper discusses the embodiment of cultural information and deficiencies in " The En-glish-Chinese Dictionary " and its " Supplement " from the angles of entry , definition , illustrative quota-tion , idiom , etymology , cultural note , appendix , etc.

  9. 孩子们拔脚飞跑来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

    The children streaked off as fast as they could .

  10. 宝石商人仔细察看钻石有无瑕庇来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

    The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws .

  11. 鉴于目前尚无基于语料库的英语军语缩略语研究,本文作者以《英汉军事术语大词典》为蓝本,随机抽取样本,自建了一个语料库,旨在对英语军语缩略语进行较为系统、全面的研究。

    Based on English-Chinese Dictionary of Military Terms , the author randomly takes some samples out and builds a corpus , aiming to conduct a comparatively systematic and comprehensive study of English military abbreviations .

  12. 语义的人文性&谈《英汉双解莎士比亚大词典》的释义论日语教学过程中的人文性渗透

    Humanism in Meaning & A Discussion on the Explanation of Meaning in A Shakespeare Dictionary for Chinese Students On Humanistic Permeation In the Process of Japanese Instruction

  13. 综合性英汉语文词典中的APPENDIX附录问题&兼评《英汉大词典》的附录

    Problems of Appendixes in Comprehensive English-Chinese Language Dictionaries