
  • 网络miao village;Miao Stockaded Village
  1. 岜沙苗寨像一片绿叶静静的卧在崇山峻岭深处。

    Basha Miao Village is lying quietly , like a green leaf in the deep mountains .

  2. 在苗寨,是最常用和盛行的一种名菜是糯米俺酸鱼。

    In the Miao Village , a popular specialty dish commonly known is the glutinous rice salted fish .

  3. 本研究选取的调研地点为湖北省恩施州咸丰县G苗寨小学,通过实地走访调查,对G苗寨小学所在地及学校自身情况进行了概述。

    Investigation was carried out by means of field visits . Situations about G Miao Village Primary School and Xianfeng County were introduced .

  4. 苗寨:珍藏记忆深处的古老歌谣

    The Miao Stockaded Village : Precious Memory of Ancient Ballads

  5. 西江苗寨旅游业可持续发展现状调查与研究

    Study on the industry conditions of the sustainable development in Xijiang Miao village tourism

  6. 民族文化的多元互动&永顺县苗寨、双凤、儒家三村民俗调查所见所思

    Interaction of Ethnical Cultures & Investigation of the Folklores in Three Villages of Yongshun County

  7. 第五部分是对西江苗寨经济与文化互动发展的思考。

    The fifth part is the economy and cultural interaction development of Xijiang Miao Village .

  8. 也有消极的影响:淡化或同化西江苗寨的民俗风情;加速传统文化价值观的退化以至遗失等。

    And negative effects : assimilation folk customs ; accelerate the degradation of traditional cultural values .

  9. 2005年苗寨黑蚂蚁养生酒荣获“广西名牌产品”称号。

    Besides , the wine is titled with the Consumer Trustworthy Commodity and Guangxi Famous-brand Product in2005 .

  10. 贵州西江千户苗寨现状与发展调查报告

    A Survey Report of the Present Situation and Development of Thousand Miao Households in Xijiang , Guizhou Province

  11. 第三部分概述西江苗寨经济与文化发展,分析苗寨在社会环境中的旅游发展,以及文化的改变。

    The third part outlines the economic and cultural development of Xijiang Miao Village , and cultural change .

  12. 互动是多种力量对经济与文化的创造与重组,西江苗寨的经济与文化的发展也随着社会环境的变革而不断转变。

    The economic and cultural creation of Xijiang Miao Village has changed with the social environment of constant change .

  13. 通过分析西江苗寨开发旅游的特殊性,对民族地区经济发展升级和优化具有一定的现实指导意义。

    Analyzes the particularity of the Xijiang Miao Village to upgrade and optimizing economic development in national regions has certain directive significance .

  14. 老洞苗寨是统治湘西三十年的“湘西王”陈渠珍的公馆所在;

    Old hole Xiangxi Miao Village is three decades of rule ," Wang Xiangxi " Chen Zhen ´ s house where drainage ;

  15. 第二部分概述西江苗寨形成的历史,分析苗寨在自然环境下形成的经济,以及根植于经济基础的文化。

    The second part outlines the history of Xijiang Miao Village , the analysis at the economy , and culture rooted in economic fundamentals .

  16. 他说起了自己在贵州山区的苗寨里长大的经历和苗族人的染布传统。

    He described a boy who grew up in a village in the mountains of Guizou Province and the textile dyeing tradition of the Miao people .

  17. 展馆外形大气磅礴,集取了风雨桥、鼓楼、苗寨、银饰和山水瀑布等贵州特有的视觉元素。

    The pavilion 's grand and magnificent appearance is a combination of unique visual elements of Guizhou , such as wind and rain bridge and drum tower .

  18. 《桃花飘落》描绘了充满原生态风情的苗寨在面临传统向现在转型时,守旧的人们在变革面前遭遇的困境。

    " Falling Flowers " depicts the conservative Miao people encounter the difficulties when the original style Miao village in the face of the change from traditional to now .

  19. 第四部分主要分析西江苗寨旅游开发的价值,论述苗寨可持续性和不可复制性。

    The fourth part mainly analyzes the Xijiang Miao Village the value of tourism development ; this paper discusses Xijiang Miao Village sustainability and not the cause of the copy .

  20. 在西江苗寨旅游发展的过程中,经济的发展对文化具有积极的影响:有助于西江苗寨民族传统文化的保护和复兴;增强西江苗族的文化认同和民族自信;改善西江苗寨社会文化环境等。

    Economic development has a positive impact on culture : help ethnic traditional culture protection and rehabilitation ; enhanced cultural identity and national self-confidence ; to improve the cultural environment .

  21. 同时,苗寨居民的解说是受限于苗寨本身,而还没有通过解说行为能够促进苗寨的发展。

    At the same time , Miao village resident interpretation is limited by the Miao village itself , and not by explaining behavior can promote the development of the Miao village .

  22. 第二部分概述西江苗寨的基本情况,分析苗寨在生态环境、民族文化和民族历史中的特殊性。

    The second part of this the basic situation of the Xijiang Miao Village , analyzes on the ecological environment , the Miao ethnic culture and national in the history of the particularity .

  23. 解说的内容与方式比较单一,苗寨对解说员的考核监督体系不完善,通过弥补这些不足,留给苗寨居民参与解说行为的空间会更大。

    Interpretation of the content and means of the single , the narrator : assessment and supervision system is not perfect , the make up for these shortcomings , left in the residents ' participation in the interpretation act even more space .

  24. 通过对贵州省雷山县以及所属几个著名苗寨(朗德上寨、西江苗寨、反排苗寨)等进行实地调查,在已有的调查基础上加以补充和更深入地挖掘苗族传统体育文化资料。

    Through to the Guizhou province county and belongs to several famous Miao ( Langde stockade , Xijiang Miao village , the village of Miao ), field investigation , supplemented and dig deeper Miao nationality traditional sports culture information in the survey on the basis of existing .