
  1. 有了它,民间剪纸才会花繁叶茂;

    With it , folk paper-cut before and flourishing ;

  2. 我们真诚希望读者为这株新苗洒水、施肥,让它花繁叶茂、果实累累。

    We hope the reader is aspersion of this plant new young plant , fertilization sincerely , let it spend again and again of numerous Xie Mao , fructification .

  3. 这是第一场夏雨,河边的树木在摇曳颤抖,花繁叶茂的迦澹波树举着醇香的酒杯,在劝诱过路的风。

    It is the first summer rain , and the riverside forest is aflutter , and the blossoming kadam trees are tempting the passing winds with wine-cups of perfume .