
  • 网络Citi Holding
  1. 此前他曾负责运营花旗控股(citiholdings),即花旗用于隔离有毒资产的“坏银行”。

    Earlier he ran Citi Holdings , the so-called " bad bank " where Citi quarantined its toxic assets .

  2. 包含许多韦尔先生购买业务的非核心部门,则被赋予听起来就属昙花一现的名字花旗控股(CitiHoldings)。

    The non-core division , which includes many of Mr Weill 's purchases , was given the transient-sounding name of Citi Holdings .

  3. 潘伟迪表示,花旗控股(CitiHoldings)继续出售业务,将有助于为亚洲的增长机遇提供资金。花旗控股持有花旗的非核心资产,其中包括美国次贷。

    The continuing sale of businesses in Citi Holdings , a unit that holds the bank 's non-core assets including US subprime mortgages , would help provide capital to fund growth opportunities in Asia , said Mr Pandit .

  4. 因此,花旗没有控股广发行,而是“拥有相当大的管理影响力”。

    As a result , Citigroup does not control GDB . Rather , it " has significant management influence " .

  5. 本文根据银行并购的效率评价理论,对《银行家》杂志中位居国际银行业排名前四位的主要依据并购而发展壮大的花旗集团、汇丰控股集团、J。

    Applying the theories in efficiency evaluation , this paper surveys four top-ranking banks in the famous magazine & the bankers , Citigroup , HSBC Holding , J.