
  • 网络Throttle Body;Mechanical throttle body
  1. 拔下节气门体的插头。

    Pull plug off the throttle body .

  2. 节气门体之间通常是位于空气滤清器箱和进气歧管,通常是位于大规模气流传感器。冷空气摄入量和它如何运作的。

    The throttle body is usually located between the air filter box and the intake manifold , and it is usually located near the mass airflow sensor .

  3. 将节气门体安装在进气分配器上。

    Fit the throttle housing at the intake-air distributor .

  4. 将进气口固定在节气门体上。

    Secure intake port on throttle housing .

  5. 旋开节气门体的支架。

    Unscrew holder for throttle housing .

  6. 介绍了电控发动机节气门体的三种类型及特点。

    Three types and their properties of gas valves of electronic control automobile engine are introduced .

  7. 在节气门体进气流量模型中,考虑了怠速旁通通道流量的影响。

    From the view of application , the format of intake air flow model and fuel film model of S.

  8. 该国有企业是汽车电喷节气门体的专业市场上的领导者,目前正处于战略规划的实施阶段,在现阶段,销售和市场开发成为战略实施的瓶颈。

    The company is the leader in the specialized market of throttle body assembly at the implement stage of strategic program , and market development and sales become the bottle-neck of strategy implement .

  9. 电子节气门体作为汽油机管理系统中重要执行器之一,其控制效果的好坏直接影响到汽车的动力性、经济性、安全性、舒适性及稳定性。

    As one of the most important gasoline engine management system actuators , the control effect of electric throttle body has a direct impact on vehicle power , economy , safety , comfort and stability .

  10. 将油路中的化油器去掉后代以节气门体、油泵和喷油器组成的供油系统,并在控制系统中加装了相应的传感器和电子点火控制单元。

    The carburetor was taken off from the fuel supply system and the new fuel supply system included air throttle body , fuel pump and fuel injector , and relevant sensors and electrical ignition control unit was installed in the control system .