
hánɡ xínɡ tú
  • chart;aerial navigation map
  1. 世界电子航行图发展的现状和未来趋势

    Present Status of Development and Future Trend of Electronic Chart in the World

  2. 装订成册的地图和海上或空中航行用图国际海事组织的搜索和救援手册

    Map and charts in book form SAR Manual of the International Maritime Organization

  3. 劳拉和她的支持者们已仔细制定出此次为期近两年的环球航行线路图,其中包括一条环绕非洲的备用线路,以便避开海盗出没的亚丁湾。

    Laura and her supporters have carefully plotted a nearly two-year route from port to port around the world , including an alternative path around Africa to avoid the pirate-infested Gulf of Aden .

  4. 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔是发现家及航行术先驱。图为1930年月,他辅佐一个男孩在一架西科斯基S-38水陆两栖航行器的浮筒上保持平衡。

    Alexander Graham Bell , inventor and aviation pioneer , helps a boy balance on the pontoon of a Sikorsky S-38 amphibious aircraft in the1930s .