
  1. 发展航空制造技术,迎接新世纪的挑战

    Developing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology , Accepting the Challenge of the New Century

  2. 21世纪航空制造技术将发生质的飞跃&谈高推重比发动机的关键制造技术(上)

    Key Manufacturing Technologies of High Thrust-Weight Ratio Engine ( part 1 )

  3. 2000年航空制造技术发展简述

    Brief Description of Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Development in 2000

  4. 提高航空制造技术的对策

    The Countermeasure for Improving Aviation Manufacturing Technology

  5. 试谈影响航空制造技术发展的几个因素

    Factors Affecting Development of Aviation Manufacturing Technologies

  6. 航空制造技术的展望

    Prospect of Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology

  7. 因此尽快开展线性摩擦焊及其控制系统的研究对于促进我国航空制造技术的发展是十分必要的。

    So it is very necessary to begin the research of linear friction welding machine and corresponding control system for promoting aero-manufacturing technology in our country .

  8. 第三部分对未来进行了展望,指出了航空制造技术发展的大趋势,并提出了六点看法。

    The third part looks into the future of the advancement of aeronautical manufacturing technology , to which the author concludes by his six point of views .

  9. 随着现代航空制造技术水平的不断发展,越来越多地采用大型复杂整体模锻件制造飞机的关键承力件,以满足飞机不断提高的服役性能指标要求。

    With the continuous development of modern aviation manufacturing technology , more and more overall die forgings with large size and complex shape are applied for load-bearing structures of aircraft to meeting the extreme mechanical properties .

  10. 阐述了航空制造技术在航空产品发展中的地位、作用,分析了影响航空制造技术发展的五个因素,说明航空工业总公司加强宏观调控对发展航空制造技术的重要作用和意义。

    The paper discusses the importance and role of manufacturing technologies for aviation product development , analyzes factors affecting development of aviation manufacturing technologies and explaines how important is for AVIC to take stong macro control over developing aviation manufacturing technologies .

  11. 航空航天制造技术及设备的现状与发展趋势

    Status and Development Trends of Manufacturing Technology and Equipment in Aerospace

  12. 航空发动机制造技术发展及趋势

    New Technologies and Trends in Aeroengine Manufacture

  13. 新世纪航空机载设备制造技术展望

    Prospects for Manufacturing Technology of Aeronautic Airborne Device in New Century

  14. 本文在考察航空发动机叶片制造技术与测量技术现状的基础上,提出了以光学非接触测量为手段,介绍了目前光学三维轮廓测量技术的现状与发展。

    Based on the current status of making and measurement in aero engine vane , this paper presents the optical non-contact method for the aero engine vane and summarizes the current status and developmental trend .

  15. 介绍了航空制造工程中焊接技术以及电弧焊技术的发展现状,并利用有限元数值模拟技术探讨了电弧焊正面温度场与背面温度场之间的的差异及其相关影响因素。

    The development of welding and arc welding technology in aeronautical manufacture engineering are described . The difference between top and back temperature field and affecting factors in arc welding are discussed by the technology of numerical simulation with finite element .

  16. 本文初步探讨了真空技术在:纳米加工、微电子电路、平板显示器件、光电传感器和微机电系统制造等航空机电产品关键制造技术开发中的应用。

    The latest progress of vacuum technology applications is tentatively discussed in the development of various emerging technologies , including nano-fabrication , integration of microelectronic circuits , and fabrication technologies of flat panel display devices , photo-electronic sensors , and micro electromechanical systems .

  17. 航空薄壁件的数控加工变形是航空制造技术中影响加工精度与质量的关键因素,严重地阻碍了航空制造业的发展。

    The distortion of Aeronautical thin-wall components due to CNC machining is the key of influencing machining precision and quality in aviation manufacturing technologies , and this problem seriously hinder the development of the aviation industry .

  18. 航空整体薄壁结构件的加工变形问题是一直困扰航空制造业的技术难点之一,实现薄壁结构件加工变形的预测和控制具有重大的理论意义和工程应用价值。

    The distortion of Aerospace Monolithic thin-walled Components is always one of difficulties puzzling the aviation industry , and it has greatly academic and engineering value to predict and manipulate machining distortion of thin-walled structural components .