
wǔ zī
  • Dancing posture;dancer's posture and movements
舞姿 [wǔ zī]
  • [a dancers movements and postures] 指舞蹈者舞动时的姿态

  • 舞姿优美、大方

  1. 这位芭蕾舞女演员一直保持着完美的阿拉贝斯克舞姿不动。

    The ballerina remained suspended in a faultless arabesque .

  2. 她舞姿婀娜。

    She danced with much grace .

  3. 你可以用舞力全开游戏展示自己的舞姿,也可以用NBA2K游戏练习你的投篮技术。

    Show off your dance moves with Just Dance , or your hoop2 skills with NBA 2K .

  4. 看那空中漂浮着你轻盈的舞姿。

    Look at the air floating your lissom dance .

  5. 观看表演的大熊小熊们看着他那优美的舞姿,竟惊诧得目瞪口呆。又都想模仿他的波兰舞步,可一个个都心有余而力不足。

    His brothers , who were watching the performance , were astonished at his grace , and tried to imitate his ballet steps .

  6. 哦,真棒!舞姿翩翩的小Joey。

    Ooh , this is soo sweet , Joey our little twinkle-toes .

  7. 有些组织认为,LadyGaga暴露的衣着以及充满性暗示的舞姿和歌词不应该被允许出现在印尼这个世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家。

    Some of the groups think Lady Gaga 's skimpy clothing and suggestive dance moves and lyrics shouldn 't be allowed in Indonesia , the world 's biggest Muslim-majority nation .

  8. 一个自然优雅的芭蕾舞演员她是个举止得体的女孩,舞姿优雅。

    She is a graceful girl . She dances with grace .

  9. 学生们沿着小径边走边跳,舞姿翩翩地进了花园。

    The students danced along the path and into the garden .

  10. 他赞扬了舞蹈演员优雅灵巧的舞姿。

    He admired the graceful , supple movements of the dancers .

  11. 她以优雅舞姿的抒情表现而著称。

    She is famous for the graceful lyricism of her dancing .

  12. 她舞姿轻盈优美,令人叫绝。

    She dances with a supple grace that is amazing .

  13. 我想是我的舞姿感动了她。

    I think it was the dance that got her .

  14. 这位青年女演员舞姿袅(鸟)娜。

    The dance of the young actress was very graceful .

  15. 及你的舞姿,上帝啊,你美妙的舞姿。

    And your dancing , oh , my god , your dancing .

  16. 我把优美的舞姿献给慈祥的老树。

    I put the beautiful dances to kindly old trees .

  17. 金瑶的抒情演唱为她的舞姿凭添光彩。

    Jin illuminated the ballerina role with her singing lyricism .

  18. 他的舞姿证明他完全没有节奏感。

    His dancing was proof that he had no sense of rhythm .

  19. 他们幽雅的舞姿使在场的人无一不感到嫉妒。

    They danced gracefully and that made everyone present green with envy .

  20. 芭蕾的舞步和舞姿有正规的形式,而不是难度很大。

    Their steps and movements were formal rather than difficult .

  21. 我在为芭蕾提高班排演芭蕾舞姿。

    I 'm doing some choreography for one of my advanced classes .

  22. 精彩的相声,宛转的歌声,优美的舞姿

    Wonderful comic dialogue , Wanzhuan singing , beautiful dance

  23. 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。

    We admired the graceful poise of the dancer .

  24. 她的舞姿优雅而又轻快;燕子在空中自由地滑行。

    She danced gracefully and effortlessly ; swallows gliding effortlessly through the air .

  25. 当我看到罗西塔莫里的舞姿时

    And when I saw Rosita Mauri and she did those amazing moves ,

  26. 在舞蹈表演会上我观看了姐姐的舞姿。

    I watched my sister at the dancing display .

  27. 我拥有鸟类世界中最优美的舞姿。

    I have one of the most beautiful dances in my bird world .

  28. 噢希望你的舞姿也一样美

    Oh ! I hope you dance as well .

  29. 她正在房子里跳舞,舞姿非常幽雅。

    She was dancing gracefully in the room .

  30. 他的舞姿雄健优美。

    His dance movements are vigorous and graceful .