
  1. 可持续发展理论的两座里程碑&从马尔萨斯的人口理论到舒尔茨的人力资本理论

    Two Milestones of The Sustainable Development Theory

  2. 20世纪60年代,舒尔茨的人力资本理论的提出,可以看作是人力资本理论系统形成的标志。

    Schultz put forward human capital theory in 1960 's , which is the symbol of human capital theory system formation .

  3. 舒尔茨的人力资本理论明确提出,人力资本的积累是经济增长的重要源泉;教育是使个人收入分配趋于平等的重要因素。

    Schultz human capital theory clearly suggests , the accumulation of human capital is an important source of economic growth . Education is an important factor to equalize income distribution .

  4. 本文以“舒尔茨”的人力资本理论为依据。

    On the basis of Human Resources theory by Theodore W.

  5. 舒尔茨提出的人力资本理论和d布鲁斯约翰斯通提出的高教成本分担理论成为世界高等教育经费来源多元化的理论基础,其基本观点是利益获得原则与能力支付原则。

    The theory of human capital by Schulz and the theory of higher education cost sharing by d.bruce Johnstone have become the basic theories for the diversified source of global higher education funds , of which the basic viewpoints are benefit-received principle and ability-to-pay principle .

  6. 舒尔茨、卢卡斯等人的人力资本理论说明,人力资本是促进一国经济持续和稳定增长的一个重要因素。

    The research achievements of Schultz and Lucas demonstrated that human capital is a necessary factor which related to promoting national economy increasing continually and stably .

  7. 舒尔茨、卢卡斯等的人力资本理论表明,人力资本是促进国民经济快速、稳定增长的重要因素,它往往能够解释区域间存在经济差异的原因。

    We known human capital is an important factor to ensure the rapid and stable growth of national economy growth , it can often explain the reason why regional economy disparity exist .