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  • 网络Self adaptation;self-adjustment
自适 [zì shì]
  • [self-ease] 自我舒适

  1. 高效DSP自适应声回波对消系统的实时实现

    On Real-Time Implementation of an Efficient DSP Adaptive Acoustic Echo - Cancelling System

  2. 基于DSP技术的自适应声反馈抵消系统

    The adaptive echo cancellation system based on dsp

  3. 基于自适应对消法检测一阶Bragg峰内目标的研究

    Target detection in first-order Bragg peaks with adaptive cancellation

  4. 报道了自主开发的基于作者提出的一种高效自适应声回波对消算法的DSP实时系统。

    An adaptive acoustic echo-cancelling real-time DSP system has been developed based on an efficient adaptive algorithm that we proposed recently .

  5. 快速自适应付里叶变换(AFT)及其在多维数据压缩中应用

    Fast Adaptive Fourier Transform and Its Application in Multi dimensional Data Compression

  6. OTH雷达中自适应对消器抑制干扰技术研究

    Interference Suppression Technology by Adaptive Canceler in OTH Radar

  7. QoS保证方案包括系统资源监测,网络带宽的预估计,借助PID算法实现多媒体自适应流的自调节,以及音频优先保证。

    This QoS guarantee scheme consists of the monitoring of system resource , the available bandwidth future estimation , the implementation of multimedia self-regulating by PID algorithm and the audio priority .

  8. 本文介绍了如何使用自适配通信环境ACE(AdaptedCommunicationEnvironment)设计实现时间同步服务软件的设计机制和优越性。

    Advantage of software development using middleware ACE ( Adapted Communication Environment ) in a time synchronization service software is introduced in this paper .

  9. 自适配通信环境(ACE)是一种面向对象(OO)的工具包,它实现了通信软件的许多基本的设计模式。

    ACE ( Adaptive Communication Environment ) is a kind of OO ( Object Oriented ) tool kit . It implements many basic designing pattern of communication software .

  10. 基于Harr小波变换的自适应声回波对消

    Harr wavelet based adaptive acoustic echo cancellation

  11. 提出了两种新的抑制Es层杂波的自适应对消算法,分别是频域瞬时值LMS算法和归一化频域瞬时值LMS算法。

    In this paper , two new adaptive algorithms are presented , which are Doppler-domain instantaneous valued LMS ( Least Mean Square ) algorithm and normalized Doppler-domain instantaneous valued LMS algorithm .

  12. 研究了由多变量光滑函数为核所确定的第二类Fredholm积分方程类自适的直接方法的优化,并得到了误差阶的精确估计。

    The optimal adaptive directive method of approximate solution for Fredholm integral equations with multivariate differentiable kernals are studied , and the optimal error bound are determined .

  13. 利用局部梯度信息的自适应分割的算法,自适应对局部的欠分割和过分割进行补偿,对静脉区域和非静脉区域都有良好的分割效果。(2)提出了SIFT特征误匹配的消除方法。

    The adaptive gradient separation algorithm based on self adaptation to less or over segmentation compensation , has better performance compared with other classical algorithms . ( 2 ) Proposed a SIFT feature matching method for eliminating the error .

  14. 《国际备用信用证惯例》(简称ISP98)自适用于备用信用证以来,虽然获得了广泛的好评,但也不可避免地存在一些问题。

    Although International Standby Practice ( ISP98 ) has been received high appraise , it has some defects in practice .

  15. 根据未来高技术条件下局部战争对综合电子信息系统的需求,对综合电子信息系统集成方法进行研究,同时探讨一种基于自适配通信环境的实时CORBA分布式代理模型HeuORB。

    Based on analyzing the demand of partial war on synthetical electronics information system in the future , this paper studied the synthetical integrated method of electronic information system . At the same time , probed into a real-time CORBA distributed agent model based on adaptive communication environment .

  16. 针对C-SIFT算法在目标跟踪应用中抗遮挡上的不足,提出了一种C-SIFT与自适Kalman滤波相融合的目标跟踪算法。

    For C-SIFT algorithm has deficiency on the shelter in target tracking , this paper presents a new target tracking algorithm which compromises the C-SIFT algorithm and the self-adaptive Kalman filter .

  17. 本文针对自适应滤波器性能易受外部干扰的影响,提出了一种基于自适滤波器进行干扰信号检测(AFDI)的算法,它可以提高自适应算法的抗噪声性能。

    The paper presents an algorithm for detecting interference in adaptive filter , because interference can deteriorate adaptive filter performance .

  18. PASC依据数字声频中两个新的原理:与人耳的听觉特性相适应原理和有效的自适原应理。

    PASC achieves highly efficient sound registration by applying two principles absolutely new to digital audio : it is adapted to the natural charateristics of the human ear , and it use a highly intelligent and efficient " adaptive " notation .

  19. 一种混合稀疏置零的自适应声回波对消算法

    A Hybrid Sparse Kill-Weights Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation

  20. 雷达信号处理机自适应对消算法对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Adaptive Cancellation Techniques in Radar Signal Processor

  21. 基于嵌入式系统的自适配安全构件的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Adaptive Security Component Based on Embedded System

  22. 自适应试题库系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of an adaptive item library system

  23. 浅谈自适性前照车灯系统的应用

    A Talk on the Application of Self-adaptive Headlamp Lighting System

  24. 工程机械发动机微机自适控制技术探讨

    Exploration of the adaptive control technique of computer in engineering mechanical engine

  25. 巡航控制系统及自适性巡航控制系统

    The Cruise Control System and Self adaptive Cruise Control System

  26. 基于加权次梯度投影算法的数字助听器自适应声反馈抑制

    Feedback Cancellation based on Weighted Adaptive Projection Subgradient Method in Hearing Aids

  27. 一种基于节目流行度的自适应流调度方案

    An adaptive stream scheduling scheme according to the popularity of video stream

  28. 用有限元自适网格控制结构应力分析的精度

    Automatic adoptive FEM meshing as a qualtity control technique for structural stress analysis

  29. 她们姿态神情安然自适。

    Their expressions and gestures are natural and peaceful .

  30. 一类非线性模型的自适回归

    The Adaptive Regressions of a Class of Nonlinear Models