- 网络Self-incrimination;The Privilege Against Self-incrimination;self-incriminating

This statement is called the right against self-incrimination .
The privilege against self-incrimination requires not to exert any direct or indirect physical or mental pressure to obtain confessions .
The principle against compulsory self-incrimination is partly derived from it .
An explanation of privilege against self-incrimination in America s military judicature ;
Research on the Privilege Against Self-incrimination of the Witness
Criminal suspects are now protected from self-incrimination .
The privilege against self-incrimination and the right to silence have relations and distinctions .
The prosecuting attorney cannot question the accused , as the US Constitution forbids self-incrimination .
The Consideration about Setting up the System of the Privilege against Self-incrimination of Witness in China
In Miranda , the Court established the privilege against self-incrimination as the basis of regulating pre-trial interrogation .
The recent modification of Criminal Procedure Law does not include the establishment of the principle of Anti-self-incrimination .
The right of self-incrimination may only be asserted by persons and does not protect artificial entities such as corporations .
The privilege against self-incrimination is very essential to witness , it is admitted by many countries and the UN conventions .
This article objectively analyzed the system condition required by the reticence right and consider the introduction to be put off .
The tight of silence is against the privilege of forcing the criminal to prove his own crime in the criminal process .
Lois Lerner told the panel that she had done nothing wrong before asserting her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself .
Analysis of fair treatment of seafarers and the Regulations for Maritime Investigation & right of being silence and no self admission of guilt
At present , the right against self-incrimination is regarded as an basic safeguard to ensure defendants ' civil rights in criminal action .
The suspect or the accused is to admit the illegality of the property , is he practicing the prosecution principle of self-pleading guilty ?
The silent right is that the prosecuted can keep silence or reject answer , have the right of not proving his own crime .
Both the privilege against self-crimination of tainted witness and the principle of balancing interests in practice are the theoretical foundation of immunity to tainted witness .
Think punishment traffic offences escape behavior of the standard for the purpose is the penalty , does not violate anybody not to incriminate himself principles .
The privilege against self-incrimination and encourage voluntary confession : ' it does not compel self incrimination in the law at the same time , and should encourage voluntary confession .
Presumption of Innocence , Anti-self-incrimination , and In the Interest of the Prosecuted , are the three basic principles governing the distribution of burden of proof in criminal litigation .
Our government signed International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1998.The covenant stipulates definitely the civil rights that not to be forced into self-incrimination , namely right of silence .
The court did recognize in fisher that the very act of producing records can be self-incriminating , because the response in effect admits that the subpoenaed documents exist and are genuine .
The right to silence is the right that the suspects and defendants enjoy when facing the judiciary 's interrogations , when they cannot verity his or her crimes during the criminal litigations .
The right of witness exemption for some witnesses means the right that witness could refuse to give testimony in statutory cases of relatives , risk of self-crimination , professional secret and public interest .
Right to silence is " the privilege against self-incrimination ", the system of right to silence goes together with the development of the world criminal procedure , which is the symble of the civilization .
In view of the progressive meaning of this principle and the international treaties we have signed , it is an inexorable trend to stipulate the principle against compulsory self-incrimination in our Criminal Procedural Law .