
  • 网络Selfish person;The Egoist
  1. 她是个典型的自私者。

    She is the very personification of selfishness .

  2. 该办公室乃是自私者与谄媚者汇集之处

    The office is a menagerie of egotists and sycophants .

  3. 这个世界就是邪恶者和自私者。

    And it 's the world that 's evil and selfish .

  4. 以自私者的冷眼旁观观察我的命运的好歹。

    Watching how my fate would tend , Even as selfish-hearted men .

  5. 匆促的断言,或自私者的嘲笑。

    Rash judgments , nor the sneers of selfish men .

  6. 一个彻头彻尾的自私者

    A lump of selfishness

  7. 自私者将所有人分成两种:一种他喜欢的,另一种他不喜欢的。

    The selfish man places all people in two categories : those he likes and those he dislikes .

  8. 在背后谈论他人能增进合作,弘扬道德准则,惩罚自私者并奖励无私者。

    Talking about people behind their backs increases co-operation , upholds the moral code , punishes the selfish and rewards the unselfish .

  9. 人行道躁狂&对于违反合作型社会规范(维系保护群体)的自私者们的愤怒,恰恰就是最好的例子。

    Sidewalk rage anger over the selfish violation of a cooperative social norm that protects the group is a nice example of that .

  10. 与自私者为友,像把自己的灵魂挂在秤钩上,价值镏铢,形容猥琐。

    Selfish and to make friends with those who , like his soul hang in the balance hook , the value of the baht lutetium , described as insignificant .

  11. 他说,福特是他遇见过的最令人讨厌的男人之一-是个无耻和自私的调情者。

    Ford , he said , was one of the most unpleasant men he had ever met-an unprincipled and egotistical philanderer .

  12. 我们大部分人都是自私的个人主义者。

    Most of us are selfish individualists .

  13. 以前他给人们的印象就是自私的粘球者,一个野心者和首席女主角。

    He gained the reputation of being a selfish ball-hog , a malcontent , and a prima donna .

  14. 你说得对即使作为捕猎者我也很自私我是自私的捕猎者难怪我没有朋友一个都没有

    You 're right , even for a predator I 'm selfish . I 'm a selfish predator . There 's no wonder I have no friends . Nobody .