- 网络The Selfish Gene

In The Selfish Gene , a book written by Richard Dawkins in 1976 , he pointed out that culture is transmitted and passed down from one generation to another with the help of meme .
The concept Memetics ? is firstly proposed in the work 《 The Selfish Gene 》, which is written by the biologist of Oxford Richard Dawkins in 1976 .
The theory of memetics is first proposed by Richard Dawkins , a British ethologist and evolutionary biologist in Oxford University , in his best seller book The Selfish Gene in 1976 .
The word " meme " is the imitation of the term " gene "; it is first mentioned by the famous English zoologist Richard Dawkins ( 1976 ) in his publication of " The Selfish Gene " .
To explain biological phenomena and biological evolution , the only gene with a selfish is not enough .
Dawkins 's " selfish gene ," a book of extensive academic debate has never been its point of view .
The term Meme was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 popular science bestseller , The Selfish Gene .
Over the great stretches of evolutionary time , other species have learnt to hack these vaporous signals , so that in a seeming contradiction of selfish-gene theory , many individuals of several species benefit from the original tree 's defence mechanism .