
  • 网络The Liberty Bell;Liberty Bell Center
  1. 自由钟现在是一个主要的旅游景点。

    The Liberty Bell is now a major tourist attraction .

  2. 没有人确定自由钟的再次破裂的具体时间。

    No one is sure when the Liberty Bell started to crack .

  3. 自由钟棚子,里面有什么?

    Liberty Bell Pavilion . What 's inside ?

  4. 是太空针塔,自由钟,比萨斜塔还是华盛顿纪念碑?

    Is it the space needle , Liberty bell , leaning tower of Pisa or Washington Monument ?

  5. 宾夕法尼亚洲费城悬挂的自由钟是美国人民自由独立的有力象征。

    The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , is a powerful symbol of freedom for Americans .

  6. 1996年,提供墨西哥美食的餐饮公司塔可钟在各大报纸上发布广告,宣布公司已经买下了自由钟,并把它的名字改成了塔可自由钟。

    And in 1996 , Taco Bell took out ads in major newspapers announcing that the company had purchased the Liberty Bell and renamed it the Taco Liberty Bell .

  7. 在经历了多年在多个城市展览后,自由钟又回到了费城,在国家独立公园内静静地迎接八方来客。

    After many years at a number of cities in the exhibition , the Liberty Bell returned to Philadelphia , an independent country at the park visitor Happo meet quietly .

  8. 昨天,在费城的自由钟下,我见到很多有此决心的美国人,他们中有忠实信教的保守派——这里有吗?

    Yesterday , here in Philadelphia , at the Liberty Bell , I met a lot of Americans who do have the will . From arch -- Are you here ?

  9. 当《独立宣言》首次公布于众时,自由钟在庆典上响起,一位与会者说:“它的敲响意味深长。”

    When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebration , a witness said ," It rang as if it meant something . "

  10. 独立国家历史公园(IndependenceNationalHistoricalPark)是少数几个拥有自己的移动应用、特色地图和自动导向导游系统的公园,此外它还拥有关于自由之钟(LibertyBell)的史迹,以及其他著名景点。

    Independence National Historical Park is one of several with its own mobile app , featuring maps , self-guided tours and historical facts about the Liberty Bell and the park 's other famous attractions .

  11. 我很激动地发现人们从世界各地到这里来,为的是用手摸一摸自由之钟,然后还有机会同本·富兰克林见面。

    They touch the'Liberty'Bell , and then they might have a chance to meet Ben Franklin .

  12. 自由画图、画钟试验、平分直线法和临摹画图的异常率随被检者年龄的增长、文化程度的降低而增高。

    And there was a close relationship between the increase in abnormality ratio of free-hand drawing , clock-drawing , line bisection test and drawing copy and the old age and lower level of education .