
  • 网络Free Floating Exchange Rate;Freely Floating Exchange Rate;freely floating rate
  1. 其中包括澳大利亚央行行长史蒂文斯(GlennStevens)发表了他对干预汇市持开放态度的言论后澳元的走低。史蒂文斯直到最近之前一直是自由浮动汇率的捍卫者。

    That includes a dive after Reserve Bank of Australia Gov. Glenn Stevens , until recently a defender of free-floating exchange rates , said he was ' open minded ' about the idea of intervention .

  2. 在进一步走向自由浮动汇率方面,中国有自己特别的动机。

    China has a particular incentive to move further towards a freely floating exchange rate .

  3. 不过,中国必须等到金融体系全面改革以后,才能转向自由浮动汇率。

    But a move to a freely floating exchange rate must wait until the financial system is overhauled .

  4. 自从采取了自由浮动汇率制度后,韩国政府便放弃了对外汇市场的干预。一个更自由的浮动汇率将会使流通更加顺畅而不至被中止。

    Since adopting the free-floating exchange rate , South Korea 's government has given up intervening in the foreign exchange market .

  5. 外汇储备的规模表明了一个显而易见的事实:这些国家拒绝实行许多外部经济学家建议的自由浮动汇率制度。

    The scale of the reserve accumulation demonstrates the obvious : these countries have refused to adopt the freely floating exchange rates many outside economists recommended .

  6. 这种观点认为,最好在完全的固定汇率(或者更好是实行美元化)和自由浮动汇率两者间选择。

    It would be better , goes the argument , to choose between irrevocably fixed exchange rates ( or , better still , dollarisation ) and freely floating rates .

  7. 随着自由浮动汇率和利率市场化的逐步推进,相机抉择的财政政策的稳定功能将日益减弱。

    With the gradual enforcement of the floating exchange system and the development of market interest mechanism , the stabilization function of the discretional fiscal policy will be gradually weakened .

  8. 一个更自由的浮动汇率将会使流通更加顺畅而不至被中止。

    A more freely floating currency would ease this stop-and-go cycle .

  9. 最终目标是自由浮动的汇率制度。

    And the final target of reform of exchange rate is the free floating regime .

  10. 新兴市场现在需要致力于自由浮动的汇率、继续持有美元储备并继续发展非美元融资来源。

    Emerging markets need to commit to free-floating exchange rates , keep hold of their US dollar reserves and continue to develop non-US dollar sources of funding .

  11. 非自由浮动的汇率制往往需要足够的外汇储备来支撑,而汇率走向自由浮动可能导致外汇储备的流失和对实体经济的冲击。

    Non-free floating exchange rate system often needs a big amount of reserves , while a free exchange rate may lead to the loss of reserves and an impact on the real economy .

  12. 我的建议是强势国家,强势货币,或者自由国家,浮动汇率。

    My suggestions would be Strong country , strong currency . Or Free country , floating exchange rate .

  13. 采取的主要措施是将林吉特从自由浮动的固定汇率制度。

    The principal measure taken were to move the ringgit from a free float to a fixed exchange rate regime .

  14. 等资本账户开放后,再逐步过渡为完全可自由兑换的浮动汇率制度。

    After capital account is convertible , then RMB can be rearranged with a totally free convertible floating exchange rate system .

  15. 美国作为一个典型的资本自由流动、浮动汇率国家,其宽松的货币政策将会给其他国家带来带来不良的影响。

    United States , as a typical country with free capital flows and floating exchange rate , its loose monetary policy will bring adverse effects to the other countries .

  16. 本文通过验证中国在资本流动和利率双重管制下的利差期限结构,以实证分析提出中国应实行渐进式利率自由化和浮动汇率制的关联性改革安排。

    This paper investigates the term structure of interest rates differentials in China in the presence of capital control and interest rate regulation . Some implications about the current system in China are drawn from the analysis of the empirical results .

  17. 自信贷危机爆发以来,美元兑其它自由浮动货币的汇率大幅下挫,推高了油价和其它以美元计价、但被全球各地买家购买的大宗商品价格。

    Since the start of the credit crisis , the dollar has plunged in value against other freely floating currencies , pushing up the price of oil and other commodities denominated in dollars but purchased by buyers all over the world .

  18. 保尔森表示,在他余下的两年任期中,将把敦促中国迈向自由浮动的市场化汇率作为其“主要目标”。

    Mr Paulson said he would make it a " major objective " of his two remaining years in office to press China to advance towards the goal of a fully floating market-determined currency .

  19. 他们可以自由结社自由交友,自由思想自由信仰、由言说自由通信、由写作自由评论。一个更自由的浮动汇率将会使流通更加顺畅而不至被中止。

    They are free to form associations and make friends , to have their own thoughts and beliefs , to speak and communicate , and to write and comment . A more freely floating currency would ease this stop-and-go cycle .