
  • 网络Natural circulation boiler;natural eireulation boiler
  1. 300MW亚临界自然循环锅炉锅筒内部设备布置

    Arrangement of Drum Internals for 300 MW Sub - critical Pressure Boiler

  2. 北仑发电厂二期工程600MW燃煤自然循环锅炉设计特点

    Design Features of Coal-fired Natural Circulation Boilers Provided for Beilun Thermal Power Plant Project ⅱ

  3. 介绍了开发设计的300MW亚临界自然循环锅炉锅筒内部设备及相关分离设备的结构和性能。

    The drum internals of 300 MW sub - critical pressure boiler and its separator are introduced .

  4. 自然循环锅炉内过程数学建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of In-boiler Process of Naturally Circulation Boiler

  5. 自然循环锅炉停炉后汽包壁温差的控制

    Control on Drum Wall Temperature Difference of Natural Circulation Boilers after Shutdown

  6. 东方自然循环锅炉与引进型控制循环锅炉将某些结构进行比较后表明:在调峰性能上,东方自然循环锅炉并不逊色于一些引进型控制循环锅炉。

    And a comparison of some introduced control circulation boiler .

  7. 自然循环锅炉蒸发区动态数学模型

    The Mathematical Model of Evaporation Zone of Nature Circulation Boiler

  8. DG1000/170-1型亚临界压力自然循环锅炉的设计和运行

    Design and Operation of DG1000 / 170-1 Natural Circulation Boiler

  9. DG1025/18.2-Ⅱ7型自然循环锅炉循环回路可靠性分析

    Reliability Analyses of DG1025 / 18.2 - ⅱ 7 Natural-Circulation Boiler Cycle-route

  10. 复合清洗剂在自然循环锅炉化学清洗中的应用

    The application of blend acid in natural circulation operated boiler chemical cleaning

  11. 亚临界压力自然循环锅炉水循环问题研究

    On the Natural Circulation of Subcritical Pressure Boiler s

  12. 1025t/h切向燃烧无烟煤自然循环锅炉的设计概况和运行性能

    Design and Commission Performance of 1025 t / h Tangential Anthracite-fired Natural Circulating Boiler

  13. 确定亚临界自然循环锅炉蒸发系统膜态沸腾裕量的计算方法

    Determination of the Margins of the Film Boiling in Natu - ral Circulation Boiler Systems

  14. 自然循环锅炉对流管束回路水动力数值计算的水动力压差分析法

    Pressure Difference Analysis Method for the Numerical Calculation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Boiler with Natural Circulation

  15. 中低压自然循环锅炉水动力计算中的多解问题

    The Multivalued Solution Problem in Fluid Flow Calculation of Medium and Low Pressure Natural Circulation Boilers

  16. 自然循环锅炉汽包寿命计算及影响因素分析

    The Calculation for the Drum Life of Natural Circulation Boiler and Analysis on the Influence Factors upon

  17. 合肥发电厂SG420t/h自然循环锅炉降低排烟温度的研究

    The study of reducing exhaust-gas temperature for SG420t / h natural circulation boiler in HeFei Power Plant

  18. 根据锅炉启动过程中各个部件管内工质、管外烟气及汽包所遵循的流动传热方程,开发了控制循环与自然循环锅炉启动过程模拟程序。

    A computer program is developed to simulate the start-up behavior of controlled-circulation and natural-circulation boilers on the basis of mass , momentum , and energy equations .

  19. 本文根据自然循环锅炉汽包压力变化数学模型的建模过程,对引起汽包压力变化的因素进行了分析。

    With the establishment of the mathematical model for the pressure changes in natural circulation boiler drums , paper made an analysis on the factors incurring drum pressure changes .

  20. 文中成功首创了火电厂自然循环锅炉蒸发系统键图模型,汽包水位的动态仿真曲线证实,键图模型精度高;

    Bond graph model of vaporization system of natural circulation boiler is successfully built and a simulation curve of the drum level demonstrates the high precision of the model .

  21. 在大容量、亚临界自然循环锅炉蒸发系统设计中,有时不可避免地需要部份地采用价格昂贵的内螺纹管,以避免出现膜态沸腾。

    In evaporating system design of large subcritical pressure natural circulation boiler sometime expensive rifled tube will be used unavoidably in part , so that the film boiling Can be avoided .

  22. 针对自然循环锅炉经常出现的水循环故障,提出了预报锅炉水循环故障所需要监测的系统参数和中间计算参数的测量方法;

    Aim at often-occurring water circulation fault of natural circulation boiler , this paper has been presented monitoring system parameters and measurement methods of middle calculation parameters for predicting boiler water circulation fault .

  23. 针对亚临界中间再热自然循环锅炉的高温爆管问题,在锅炉安装了18个壁温测点。通过对这些壁温实测数据的分析,搞清了高温过热器爆管的原因,提出了处理的意见。

    Owing to the high temperature tube rupture problem in the sub-critical intermediate reheated natural circuit boiler which was mounted with 18 wall temperature measured data , the cause of the tube rupture was clear , and the treatment was suggested .

  24. 介绍早期400t/h自然循环锅炉,采用可靠、成熟的先进技术,经济上合理的方法,进行系统改造,使锅炉热效提高,有利减少环境污染,具有良好效果。

    It introduces the 400t / h natural circulation boiler in the early period , transforms systematically with reliable and matured advanced technology and economical methods , which improves the thermal efficiency of the boiler and helps to reduce environment pollution .

  25. 通过分析证实:采用现行的水动力分析方法分析中低压自然循环锅炉的水动力特性时会遇到数学上解不唯一问题,对如何确定实际运行状态下的水动力特性提出了对策。

    Abstract Besed on some analytical studies the paper substantiates , that when the current fluid flow calculation method is applied to medium and low pressure natural circulation boilers for obtaining their flow behavior , the problem of multivalued solution is met with .

  26. 本文详细介绍了300MW亚临界压力自然循环燃煤锅炉。

    The300MW subcritical pressure natural circulation boiler fired coal is described in detail .

  27. 9F级自然循环余热锅炉的安装和调试

    Installation and Adjustment of Natural Circulation Waste Heat Boilers of the 9F Class

  28. 介绍了我国首台投入商业运行9F级单轴联合循环机组配套的自然循环余热锅炉的结构、安装和调试。

    The construction , installation and adjustment of the natural circulation waste heat boilers , matching single shaft combined cycle sets of the 9F class , for the first time to be commissioned in China , are being described .

  29. 燃气轮机小管径自然循环余热锅炉

    Gas-turbine Natural-circulation Heat Recovery Boiler with Tubes of Small Diameter

  30. 自然循环热水锅炉水循环故障分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement Measure on Water Circulating Failure of Natural-circulating Hot Water Boiler