
zì zhì fǎ ɡuī
  • regulations on the exercise of autonomy;local self-government regulations
  1. 民族地方自治法规与一般地方性法规的关系

    The Relationship between the Autonomous Laws and Regulations and the Common Local Laws and Regulations

  2. 同时,应采取有效途径、方法,促进自治法规的社会化。

    Meanwhile some effective methods should be done to advance the socialization of autonomy regulations .

  3. 自治法规的效力等级高于一般地方性法规而具有法律性质,但其适用范围仅限于本民族区域自治地方。

    The validity of autonomous regulations stands above the local regulations , but the regulations are limited to the local areas .

  4. 自治法规变通法律、行政法规的程度亦应限制,包括目的性限制、原则性限制和不损害国家法制统一性限制等。

    The degree of such adaptation is restricted , including the goals and principles as well as the safeguarding of the state 's unity .

  5. 在民族区域自治法规体系中变通规定和补充规定是不是独立于单行条例之外的一种法律形式,在我国立法理论上一直存在着认识分歧。

    In regulation system of regional national autonomy , whether adaptive provisions and supplementary provision are a legal form independent from specific regulation , there is always a divergence in cognition in our legislative theory .

  6. 股东会自行制定公司的自治法规&章程,约定权利义务的配置、利润和风险的分配,立法不做过多的干涉。

    Shareholders will make the constitution , self-organizing rule of their company , to stipulate the distribution of rights and obligations , and that of profits and risks , thus it is not necessary for lawmaking to interfere too much .

  7. 为有效落实民族区域自治法律法规变通补充权,必须加强法律法规的多重保护。

    In order to enforce the right of flexibly or supplementarily law and regulation , law and regulation must strengthen protection in any way .

  8. 民族区域自治法配套法规建设再探讨

    On Auxiliary Law Building of Law on Regional National Autonomy Again

  9. 民族地区建设小康社会民族法制保障研究&以民族区域自治法配套法规建设为例

    A Research on the Legal System about the Construction of Comparatively Well-off Society in Minority Nationality Regions

  10. 民族地区《民族区域自治法》配套法规建设探讨

    A Research on the Construction of the Corresponding Regulations and Laws about the Law . of the Peoples ' Republic of China on Ethnic Regional Autonomy in Minority Nationality Regions

  11. 上级国家机关要尊重和保障民族区域自治地方自治机关的自治权,但自治法规不能规定和约束上级国家机关。

    Government organs at higher levels should respect and guarantee the autonomous power of the local ethnic autonomous organs , but the latter cannot restrict and check the former .

  12. 村民自治的保障措施主要有:完善村民自治法律法规、搞好农村基层组织建设、全面提高农民素质,大力发展农村经济、完善村民自治制度。

    The safeguard mechanism of the villager self-administration mainly has : The perfect laws and regulations of villager self-administration , well construct the countryside basic-level organization , to improve the farmer quality comprehensively , developing the rural economy , to consummate the villager self-administration system .