
  • 网络efficacy;self-efficacy;self efficacy;Perceived Self-efficacy;Ego Effect
  1. 自我效能感是心理学家班杜拉(A.Bandura)提出的一个概念。

    The self-efficacy is a concept by psychologist A. Bandura .

  2. 自我效能感对学生的学业成绩、身体健康、心理健康有着重要影响。

    Perceived self-efficacy has great influence on the academic achievement , physicalhea1th and mental health of students .

  3. 自我效能感与CUBA队员文化素质的提高

    Self - efficacy and improvement of CUBA players ' academic achievement

  4. 自我效能感(EgoEffect)会促使开发员编写更好的代码,因为他们知道其他人将会查看自己编写的代码及作品。

    The Ego Effect drives developers to write better code because they know that others will be looking at their code and their metrics .

  5. 利用QQ群教学方式提高远程学习者的自我效能感初探

    Research on Using QQ group to Enhance Distance Learners ' Self-efficacy

  6. 呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断影响的研究

    Effects of presentation mode , self-efficacy and achievement motivation on FOK judgement

  7. 第二,生命意义、完美主义、自我效能感与心理控制源四者之间均存在显著相关(p0.01,p0.05),并且完美主义可以预测个体生命意义水平。

    Secondly , the life meaning , perfectionism , self-efficacy and mental control source existed significant difference ( p0.01 , p0.05 ) . The perfectionism can predict the level of individual life meaning .

  8. 结果①艺术院校大学生一般自我效能感性别差异并不显著(P0.05),但是在追求成功动机和合成动机上却存在显著的性别差异(P0.05)。

    Results ① There was significant gender difference in the motivation of pursuing success and the synthetic achievement motivation ( P0.05 ), but there was no significant gender difference of General Self-efficacy ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 自我效能感指个体相信自己有能力完成某种或某类任务,是个体的能力自信心在某些活动中的具体体现(Bandura,1986:201)。

    Self-efficacy refers to learners ' beliefs about their abilities to accomplish a task ( Bandura , 1986 : 201 ) .

  10. 方法采用学业自我效能感调查问卷和精神状态评定量表(SCL-90)对621名大学生的学业自我效能感和心理健康状况进行了测查。

    METHODS : The self efficacy to school work questionnaire and symptom checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ) were used to determine the self efficacy to school work and mental health of 621 university students .

  11. 实验结果表明:(1)呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机均显著影响FOK判断等级的高低和判断的准确性;

    The major findings are as follows : ( 1 ) Presentation mode , self-efficacy and achievement motivation all influenced the grace and accuracy of FOK judgement significantly ;

  12. 一般互联网自我效能感(ISE)对针对网上招聘的特殊ISE有显著的正向影响,对大学生参与网上招聘意向并没有直接的影响,而是通过针对网上招聘的特殊ISE这一中介变量产生间接影响。

    General Internet self-efficacy ( GISE ) had a positive effect on SISE . GISE had no direct effect on intention , but had an indirect effect on intention through SISE .

  13. 方法采用归因方式量表(MMCS)、缺陷感量表(FIS)和一般自我效能感量表(GSES)对深圳市某重点高中和某普通高中进行分班集体测试;

    Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among the students who came from key senior high school and common senior high school by using MMCS , FIS and GSES .

  14. 方法于2005-10采用一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、社会支持评定量表(SSS)及防御方式问卷(DSQ)抽取358名广东省中学教师进行抽样测试。

    Methods A total of 358 teachers in Guangdong Province were investigated by using General Self-Efficacy Scale ( GSES ), Social Support Scale ( SSS ) and Defense Styles Qestionnaire ( DSQ ) .

  15. 根据Bandura的自我效能感理论及人力资源管理的特殊性,建立了管理者管理自我效能感因果模型,对管理者自我效能感形成及变化的过程进行描述。

    To describe the forming and changing process of managerial self-efficacy , a causality model of Managerial ( Self-efficacy ) is proposed according to Bandura ′ s theory of self-efficacy and particularity of human resource management .

  16. 影响症状应对自我效能感得分的有ECOG体能状态评分、现阶段最痛评分、性格类型、健康教育情况、病后活动情况、年龄、口服阿片类止痛药情况7个因素。

    The factors affecting self-efficacy for coping with symptom are ECOG score , the current most pain score , character type , health education condition , the activity condition after ill , age , the condition of taking oral opioid drugs .

  17. 根据Bandura自我效能感理论,班主任自我效能感的高低不仅可以预测班主任对教育工作投入的兴趣和动机,影响班主任本身经营班级的能力的表现程度,另一方面也是影响班主任有效经营班级的关键因素。

    According to the Bandura 's self efficacy theory , the level of the teachers in charge of classes not only can predict the interests and motivation of the teachers devoting to classes but also can affect the level of the ability of teachers themselves managing classes .

  18. 具体研究如下:研究一,对修订的《师范类大学生职业决策自我效能感问卷》进行探索性因素分析的基础上,进而采用LISREL技术手段,验证师范类大学生职业决策自我效能感的结构。

    Specific studies are as follows : First , it is to verify the normal college students ' career decision-making self-efficacy structure on the basis of exploratory factor analysis of the amendment of the Normal College students ' career decision-making self-efficacy questionnaire through the LISREL technical means used .

  19. 初中生学习适应性是通过学习自我效能感间接影响学业成绩的。

    Academic adaptability influenced academic achievement by perceived academic self-efficacy indirectly .

  20. 大学生性别及性别角色与职业自我效能感的关系

    Relationship Between Sex-role and Career self-efficacy in College Women and Men

  21. 论教师自我效能感的本质、结构与特征

    Teacher 's Perceived Self-efficacy : Its nature , Structure and Characteristics

  22. 自我效能感与教师主体意识的觉醒

    Awakening of Self - efficiency Sense and Teacher 's Subject Consciousness

  23. 高中生写作自我效能感的初步研究

    A Primary Research on Writing Self-efficacy of The High School Student

  24. 物理学习自我效能感是影响物理学业成绩的重要变量。

    Teachers perceived self-efficacy is an important component of teachers qualities .

  25. 在自我效能感各维度中,没有达到显著水平。

    There is no significant level on the various dimensions of self-efficacy .

  26. 学生自我效能感的培养在足球教学中的应用

    Application of Cultivating the Sense of Self-efficacy of Students in Football Teaching

  27. 创意自我效能感能显著正向预测创造力。

    Creative self-efficacy and creativity had a significant positive correlation .

  28. 在校大中专学生目标取向、自我效能感与职业价值观关系的研究

    Relation between Goal-Orientation , Self-Efficacy and Occupational Values in Technical School Students

  29. 教师研究的新视角:教师的自我效能感

    A new research field : teachers ' sense of self-efficacy

  30. 从自我效能感的视域看学习动机的激发

    On the Stimulation of Learning Motivation from Sense of Self - efficacy