
  1. 我国自主选拔录取制度的多米诺正负效应

    The Analyzing Positive & Negative Effect of Domino in the System of Independently Selecting Enrolls in China

  2. 学分制人才培养模式改革继续推进,自主选拔录取试点工作顺利开展,通识教育和个性化人才培养得到强化,人才培养质量有效提升。

    The reform of the mode of talent training was continued , and independent student recruitment pilots went on smoothly .

  3. 2003年教育部在江苏省试点的基础上,批准22所高校进行自主选拔录取改革试点工作,到2010年,试点高校已经扩大到80所。

    In 2003 , the Ministry of Education , on the basis of pilot project in Jiangsu Province , Authorized 22 universities to carry on the project of Self enrolment . Until 2010 , the number of the self enrolment university enlarged to 80 .

  4. 高职院校加强学生创业教育的主要措施有:准许试点自主招生,选拔录取具有创新潜力的学生;

    The main measures of improving venture education in polytechnic colleges should be taken as follows : firstly , autonomous selection of students can be allowed in polytechnic colleges in order to select creative students ;