
mó fǎ
  • membrane method
  1. 膜法处理H酸废水的初步研究

    Study on Removal of H Acid from Wastewater with Membrane Method

  2. 支撑熔盐膜法脱除航天舱中CO2的实验研究

    Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Cabin Gas of Spacecraft Using Supported Molten Salt Membrane Method

  3. 膜法SBR工艺的最佳工况研究

    Study of the Optimum Operation in Sequencing Batch Reactor of Biofilm Process

  4. 氨纶染色废水SBR膜法处理工艺

    Treatment of Effluent with SBR Membrane from Polyurethane Fabric Dyeing

  5. 延伸PVA膜法中电子光谱的三维解析

    Tridimensional Analysis of the Electronic Spectra in the Method of Stretched PVA Film

  6. 掩膜法与Gabor滤波在指纹增强中的应用

    Application of Counter-peaked Mask and Gabor Filter to Fingerprint Image Enhancement

  7. 制备高纯水的全膜法(IMS)工艺

    Integrated Membrane System ( IMS ) for Preparation of High-purity Water

  8. 生物膜法处理低浓度石油化工VOCs试验研究

    Application of Biological Membrane Process on Treating Low Concentration Petrochemical VOCs

  9. 隔膜法和离子膜法烧碱生产中氯氢处理扩改及并轨工艺某氯碱厂PVC生产过程中职业性有害因素调查与评价

    Process for extending and combining chlorine and hydrogen treatment system in production of diaphragm caustic soda and that in production of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda

  10. 通过膜法SBR工艺处理有机废水的实验,研究以不同操作方式对处理效果的影响,从而得出最佳运行工况参数。

    A series of performance data of sequencing batch reactor of biofilm process for treating organic wastewater was obtained by using a bench-scale experimental unit .

  11. 本文对膜法处理回用生活污水及UF膜过滤生活污水膜污染机理进行了系统的研究。

    Membrane processes for reuse domestic sewage and mechanism of membrane fouling in domestic sewage treatment by UF membrane were systematically studied in the paper .

  12. 等离子体法处理挥发性有机物(VOCs)的应用研究生物膜法处理低浓度石油化工VOCs试验研究

    Applied Research on Destruction of Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) with Plasma ; Application of Biological Membrane Process on Treating Low Concentration Petrochemical VOCs

  13. 本文介绍了分子电子吸收光谱的一种特殊实验技术-拉伸PVA膜法的特点,及其解析理论和应用。

    This paper introduces a special experiment technique of determination of the electronic absorption spectra in molecule-the characteristics of the method of stretched PVA film , its analytic theory and applications .

  14. 本文提出了采用膜法富氧助燃技术提高NGV动力性能的观点。

    The viewpoint of improving power performance of NGV by membrane oxygen enrichment for combustion-supporting is put forward in this paper .

  15. 研究了以多孔高分子颗粒为载体的膜法SBR(BSBR)工艺在三相流化床中处理人工合成的有机废水。

    The Biofilm Sequencing Batch Reactor ( BSBR ) process , which using porous polymer particles as carriers , is studied on the treatment of synthetic organic wastewater in a three-phase fluidized bed ( TFB ) .

  16. 结果用药膜法测定KT50,德国小蠊对二氯苯醚菊酯、溴氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯的抗性倍数分别是6.93、13.85和5.60倍;

    Results The resistance ratio ( RR ) measured by surface contact was6.93 folds for permethrin , 13.85 for deltamethrin and5.60 for cypermethrin based on KT50 .

  17. 相同水质条件下,生物膜法处理典型PPCPs效果较活性污泥法处理PPCPs好,电极生物膜法处理典型PPCPs较电极活性污泥法效果好。

    In the same water quality conditions , biofilm treatment is more efficient than activated sludge treatment to remove the typical PPCPs ; biofilm electrode treatment is more efficient than activated sludge-electrode treatment .

  18. 研究表明,在无外加碳源的条件下,膜法A/O/O系统对该城市污水的TN去除率为30~50%、TKN去除率为70%以上。

    The denitrifying results showed that the biofilm A / O / O system was capable of achieving in 30-50 percent TN removal efficiency and excess of 70 percent TKN removal efficiency to treat such low C / N ration municipal wastewater under the condition of no external carbon source .

  19. 本文简要介绍了钓鱼竿用大丝束(60K)碳纤维预浸料熔胶膜法浸渍工艺,并着重就影响预浸料质量的几个主要因素进行了讨论。

    The hot-melt impregnation process of large tow carbon fiber ( 60K ) prepreg to prepare fishing rods is briefly introduced in this paper ; in addition , several typical factors which affect the quality of the prepreg are also discussed in detail here .

  20. 膜法水处理技术与传统方法的比较

    The Comparison of Membrane Technology and Conventional Methods for Water Treatment

  21. 果蔬汁的膜法脱气技术探讨

    Study on the Membrane Degasification Techniques of Fruit and Vegetable Juice

  22. 膜法/深冷法联合空分的理论研究

    Theoretical studies on the membrane cryogenic integrated process for air separation

  23. 催化铁内电解/生物膜法处理化工废水

    Catalyzed Iron Internal Electrolysis / Bio-film Process for Chemical Wastewater Treatment

  24. 软硬交替多层膜法向压入过程的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Indentation of Alternate Hard and Soft Multilayers

  25. 膜法酵母提取海藻糖应用初探

    Development of extracting trehalose from baker 's yeast by membrane process

  26. 膜法分离及其在化学、医药、食品工业中的应用

    Application of membrane separation in chemical , pharmaceutical and foodstuff industry

  27. 微处理机在平膜法挤出生产线的过程控制和应用

    Application and process control of microprocessor in flat film extruding line

  28. 膜法气体脱湿的工艺及应用研究进展

    Progress of Technology and Application of Membrane - based Gas Dehydration

  29. 采用膜法淡化苦咸水流程和设备的集成化

    Integrated Membrane Process and Related Equipment for Brackish Water Treatment

  30. A/DAT-IAT生物膜法处理高含盐废水

    Treatment of hypersaline wastewater with A / DAT-IAT biofilm process