
  • 网络corrosion rate;Mpy
  1. 硝酸粉末酸化工艺对油管及套管的腐蚀率小,腐蚀速率仅为3.31g/(m2·h)。

    Meanwhile , nitric acid powder has low corrosion rate of 3 . 3 g / ( m2 · h ) to tubing and casing .

  2. 利用FCMs技术推算金属在土壤中的腐蚀率

    Deduction of corrosion rate of metal in soils by means of FCMs

  3. 软化并中和后的污水腐蚀率比原水略有增大,且随pH值升高(5.5~9.5)而增大。

    The corrosivity of the softened and neutralized water is somewhat higher than that of the original water , being higher when the pH value is higher ( 5.5-9.5 ) .

  4. 重点阐述了硫酸铵微粒的影响,在硫酸铵的临界相对湿度(CRH)时,铜的腐蚀率和机制变化很显著;

    The rate of corrosion and its mechanism have a change significantly at the critical relative humidity of ammonium sulfate ;

  5. 研究了添加剂V2O5对NiFe2O4尖晶石试样的密度、微观形貌、腐蚀率的影响。

    The density , microstructure and corrosion resistance of the inert anodes of Ag / NiFe_2O_4 cermet with V_2O_5 were investigated .

  6. 钎焊接头经过5%的H2SO4100℃,6h浸泡后腐蚀率为4.12mm/a。

    The corrosion rate of the brazed joint after dipped in the 5 % II .. S0 ,, 100 ℃ for 6 hours is 4.12mm/a .

  7. 该清洗剂的清洗时间为3~5min,清洗率高达100%,腐蚀率几乎为零。

    The cleaning time is about 3-5 minutes , the efficiency of cleaning can reach 100 % , and the corrosion rate is almost zero .

  8. 采用灰关联分析方法解析了铝电解5%NiNiFe2O4基金属陶瓷惰性阳极的电解腐蚀率与电解参数的关系,建立了预测惰性阳极腐蚀率的人工神经网络模型。

    The corrosion rates of 5 % Ni-NiFe_2O_4 inert anodes were investigated as a function of main operating parameters by grey relational analysis .

  9. 采用电化学恒电流线性极化法和原子吸收光谱法测定冠状动脉支架用316L和317L不锈钢在37℃人工模拟血浆Tyrode's溶液中的低腐蚀率。

    Electrochemical constant current linear polarization and atomic absorption spectroscopy were used to measure the corrosion rate of coronary stents made of 316L and 317L stainless steel in 30 ℃ Tyrode 's solution .

  10. 结果显示实测电阻随累积腐蚀率变化。

    Electric resistance was demonstrated changing with the cumulative corrosion level .

  11. 对该钎剂进行了不挥发物含量、腐蚀率试验。

    Volatile content and erosion rate of the flux were studied .

  12. 固体电解质在冰晶石熔盐中饱和溶解度及电解腐蚀率测定

    Solubility and Corrosion Rates of Solid Electrolyte in Cryolite Molten Salt

  13. 研究的参数包括:钢筋腐蚀率和钢筋的侧向约束。

    The parameters investigated include reinforcement corrosion rate and lateral restraint of speciments .

  14. 铝电解惰性阳极及腐蚀率预测研究

    Inert Anodes for Aluminum Smelting and Corrosion Rates Prediction

  15. 神经网络在金属大气腐蚀率预测中的应用

    Application of Artifcal Nural Network in Prediction Corrosion Value of Metal in Atmosphere

  16. 铬镍不锈钢的腐蚀率与硅含量关系的数学模型

    Mathematic model of relation between corrosion rate and Si content of Cr-Ni stainless steel

  17. 温度对腐蚀率的影响;

    The effect of temperature on corrosion rates ;

  18. 大化肥循环水系统腐蚀率高的原因剖析

    Analysis on causes of high corrosion rate in circulating water system of chemical fertilizer plant

  19. 最后通过实验标定了钢筋腐蚀率与光栅波长位移的关系。

    Finally the relationship between corrosion rate and shift in center wavelength was calibrated by experiment .

  20. 在漏洞之后被改正,集中的周期提高的而且腐蚀率减少到可接受的水平。

    After the leaks were corrected , cycles of concentration elevated and corrosion rates decreased to acceptable levels .

  21. 根据泄漏面积和腐蚀率的关系提出了电场强度理论。

    According to the relationship between expose area and weight loss , the electric field intensity theory is advanced ;

  22. 而腐蚀率较高时,腐蚀则显著增大了粘结强度损失,卸载时的粘结应力水平仅为加载时的3/4。

    The valumes of bond stress in unloading was only as large as three-fourth of that in loading period .

  23. 添加铬虽然能降低其腐蚀率,但局部腐蚀敏感性显著增大。

    The addition of chromium also decreases its corrosion rate , but the sensitivity to local corrosion is increased notably .

  24. 金属的腐蚀率,除了应力腐蚀和点蚀,与其氧化膜的半导体性质密切相关。

    Besides stress corrosion and pitting corrosion , metal corrosion rate was closely related with the semi-conductor properties of passive films .

  25. 结果表明该合金镀层的耐蚀能力很强,腐蚀率很低。

    The results indicated that the corrosion resistance of these alloys coating was very strong and the corrosion rate was very low .

  26. 在此条件下,腐蚀率在均匀腐蚀三级标准中的可用(0.11.0mm/a)范围内。

    Under these conditions , the corrosion rate of corrosion is in the range of available standards ( 0.1 1.0 mm / a ) .

  27. 与前期研究结果的比较显示,光面钢筋与变形钢筋表现出相似的电阻-腐蚀率关系。

    Comparisons of the current results with those from the previous study indicated that both smooth bar and deformed bar showed a similar electrical resistance-corrosion relationship .

  28. 发现921钢在全浸区暴露2年后发生腐蚀率随时间增加而增大的逆转现象。

    In the all submerged area , the corrosion rate of 921 steel decreases in the first two years and then increases with the time going on .

  29. 定量分析流动参数与腐蚀率间的影响关系,定性讨论了其它与湿气管线内腐蚀分布相关的影响因素。

    The relationship between flow parameters and corrosion rate is studied , and other factors correlated with wet sour gas pipe are also analysis deeply . 5 .

  30. 环保型完井液就是要有较高的密度和较好的耐高温稳定性及低腐蚀率。

    For the environmentally friendly completion fluid , it is necessary to possess a higher density and thermostability , as well as a low rate of corrosion .