
  • fujoshi;yaoi fandom;Rich girl;Queen
  1. 为了迎合腐女文化,电影中还新添了一个角色——何律师的助理William,由韩国组合EXO前成员黄子韬(艺名:Tao)扮演。

    Then , to cater to fujoshi culture , the movie introduces a new character , an assistant played by Huang Zitao ( whose stage name is Tao ) , former member of South Korean band EXO .

  2. 我不觉得当腐女有什么坏影响。

    I do not believe that being a slasher can produce any adverse effect .

  3. 许多人过着一种虚幻的生活,这就是为什么我们周围充斥着宅男和腐女。

    Many people live in a virtual life , that 's why so many otaku and fujyoshi around us .

  4. 互动模式的不同与互动双方的年龄、受教育水平、个人阅历和互动维度有关。而在不同的互动类型下,腐女的认同也不相同。

    Different interaction types associate with age , degree of education , personal experience and the dimension of interaction .

  5. 这群粉丝很多都自称为腐女&即喜欢同性恋题材故事的年轻女性。

    And among this group of fans , many identify themselves as funu or rotten women - young women who like gay stories .