
  • 网络pulse interval;pulse spacing;pulse interval time;Mark-Space
  1. 给出了在均匀介质和非均匀介质(实际大气)情况下的斯托克斯光强随脉冲间隔、传输距离和天顶角变化的函数关系。

    The solutions describe stokes intensity as a function of inter pulse spacing , distance and zenith angle in a uniform medium and in nonuniform medium ( atmosphere ) .

  2. 推导了非同步型脉冲间隔与宽度双重调制(PIWM)的频谱及其特点。

    The frequency spectrum and characteristics of pulse interval and width modulation ( PIWM ) are derived in detail .

  3. 本文提出了一种定时脉冲间隔调制(TPIM)技术实现时分多路复用。

    A new type of timed pulse-interval modulation ( TPIM ) technique in time-division multiplexing communications is proposed .

  4. 提出一种新的调制方法&双幅度脉冲间隔调制(DAPIM)。

    A novel dual-amplitude pulse interval modulation ( DAPIM ) for optical wireless communications is discussed .

  5. 为了解决目前无线光通信采用的调制方式误包率大、传信率低等问题,研究了双头脉冲间隔调制(DH-PIM)和数字脉冲间隔调制(DPIM)的性能。

    The performances of dual-header pulse interval modulation ( DH-PIM ) and digital pulse interval modulation ( DPIM ) are analyzed for the high packet error rate and low information transmission rate of optical wireless communication modulations presently .

  6. 光纤传输光电检测脉冲间隔与宽度双重调制

    Pulse interval and width modulation for photoelectric measurement with optical fiber transmission

  7. 载波数字脉冲间隔调制电力线通信技术与收发器

    Power line communication technique of carrier digital pulse interval modulation and transceiver

  8. 红外双幅度脉冲间隔调制通信系统性能分析

    Performance of DUAL-AMPLITUDE pulse interval modulation for wireless infrared communications

  9. 脉冲间隔法抛物线插补的研究

    Research on the Parabola Interpolation Based on Pulse Interval Interpolation

  10. 无线光通信中的定长双幅度脉冲间隔调制

    Fixed Length Dual-Amplitude Pulse Interval Modulation for Optical Wireless Communications

  11. 急性大鼠癫痫模型海马神经元原发性单位后放电脉冲间隔特征

    Characteristic interspike intervals of primary unit AFTERDISCHARGES in hippocampal neurons of epileptic rat

  12. 文中还推导了信号的对比度、信号的直流漂移和计数脉冲间隔误差三者之间的关系式。

    Besides , a relation between the signal contrast , the signal D. C.

  13. 定时脉冲间隔调制时分多路复用的研究

    A Study of TDM With Timed Pulse Interval Modulation

  14. 定时脉冲间隔调制技术实现时分复用的非线性性能和抗噪声性能

    The Distortion Characteristics and Noise Characteristics in TDM Using Timed Pulse-Interval Modulation Technique

  15. 大气无线光通信系统中数字脉冲间隔调制研究

    Digital pulse interval modulation for atmospheric optical wireless communications

  16. 方波调频及脉冲间隔与宽度调制的谱分析

    Analysis of spectrum for SWFM and PIWM

  17. 相邻二个输出驱动电压之间的间隔时间,称为脉冲间隔。

    The interval time between the two interfacing output-driving voltages is called as pulse interval .

  18. 火箭时串信号脉冲间隔测量

    Pulse Interval Measurement About Rocket Time Bunchs

  19. 脉冲间隔增加时,其影响则相反。

    With the increasing of pulse interval , the influence it gives must be opposite .

  20. 脉冲间隔调制信号的谱分析

    Spectrum Analysis of Pulse Interval Modulation Signals

  21. 用蒙特卡罗法和模板匹配法识别神经元放电脉冲间隔的优势模式

    Determination of the favored patterns in spike train with Monte Carlo method and template method

  22. 本实验装置已产生的最短的光学脉冲间隔小对2μs。

    The short optical pulses generated by this device have a separation less than 2 μ s.

  23. 最后进行了相应的测量及仿真,给出了脉冲间隔时间和脉冲宽度的概率分布曲线。

    Finally , the measurement and simulation results of pulse width and interarrival times are given .

  24. 神经放电脉冲间隔的自回归分析

    Autoregressive Analysis for Interspike Intervals

  25. 激光干涉测长仪中光电输出信号的对比度及其与计数脉冲间隔误差的关系

    Contrast of photoelectric output signal and its relationship to the error of counting pulse interval in laser interferometry

  26. 脉冲间隔插补法

    Pulse Interpolation at Intervals

  27. 这种探讨是对脉冲间隔法的延伸,易被初学者接受。

    The discussion is the extension of the pulse interval interpolation , which can be accepted by the beginner .

  28. 观察和讨论了D(5/2)亚稳态能级布居在脉冲间隔的弛豫特性。

    And the time dependence of D5 / 2 population in the metastable state in the interpulse period was observed and discussed .

  29. 分析了正弦电刺激下反应的周期直方图和脉冲间隔直方图,确定了频率特性。

    By analysis of periodic histograms and interspike interval histograms of responses to sinusoidal electrical stimulations , the frequency response characteristic was determined .

  30. 即便节奏脉冲间隔和回声在作为牵头行,大胆和有趣的方式表达,似乎直接向听众发言。

    Even spaced rhythms pulse and echo in intriguing patterns as lead lines , bold and expressive , seem to speak directly to the listener .