
  • 网络ENERGY;energy science;BES
  1. 染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)由于它的价格低、质量轻、制作简单、弱光下可以工作等优点得到迅猛发展,成为可再生能源科学研究的一大热点。

    Dye-sensitized solar cells ( DSSC ) have been rapid developed and have been become a hot topic of scientific research of renewable energy because of its low price , light quality , easy fabrication and working under low light .

  2. 模糊数学在水电能源科学应用中的问题分析

    Analysis of Some Problems in Hydroelectric Energy with Regard to Fuzzy Set

  3. 人工神经网络模型用于水电能源科学的问题探讨

    Application of Artificial Neural Network Model to Hydroelectric Energy

  4. 能源科学与科学管理能源

    Energy science and the scientific management of energy

  5. 能源科学发展战略研究

    The Strategic Development of Energy Science

  6. 最后对系统的运行情况以及系统对能源科学管理的现实意义做了概述。

    At last , this paper introduces the system running case and actual meaning for energy science management .

  7. 木聚糖酶在造纸、饲料、食品等行业和能源科学上都有着广泛的应用前景。

    Xylanases are wildly used in paper and pulp industry , feed industry , foodstuff industry and energy industry .

  8. 煤炭资源的高效、洁净与低碳化利用无疑是我国能源科学和技术研发的主导方向。

    The highly efficient and clean low-carbon utilization of coal is the predominating direction of research and development in our country .

  9. 动力、化工和环境等领域与学科的交叉已经成为当代能源科学发展的一个基本趋势与特征。

    Synthetically combining the power generation , the chemical production and environment protection is one of the trends and characters of the development of energy science .

  10. 由于化石燃料的使用给人类带来巨大的资源和环境问题,因而氢能逐渐成为能源科学界的热点。

    The use of fossil fuel brings about tremendous problems of resource and environment , which hydrogen energy has become the favorite of the energy scientific community .

  11. 太阳能热发电研究体现了当前乃至未来几十年内世界能源科学发展的重要前沿方向和重大基础性问题,对太阳能热发电的大规模利用、可持续发展战略的顺利实施具有重要意义。

    The research of solar power generation reflects the important leading field and basic problem of current , even future few decates ' world energy science development .

  12. 因此,我可否这样说,中国在建设清洁能源科学上有足够的机会处于领先地位,而且,这也可以带来环境和经济利益。

    So if I may say so , China has a great opportunity to lead the way in building clean-energy technology , with all the environmental and economic benefits which that offers .

  13. 在这些援助中,海洋能源科学公司获得了夏威夷的长海岸线的实验使用权。实验将在4000公里的海岸线上进行,时间定在严冬中,地点在俄勒冈州海岸。

    But for all the support , OPT has received a long Hawaii 's picturesque shoreline , the ture test may lie4,000 kilometers away , in the harsh winter environs of the Oregon Coast .

  14. 多晶硅薄膜是集晶体硅材料和非晶硅氢合金薄膜优点于一体,在能源科学、信息科学的微电子技术中有广泛应用的一种新型功能材料。

    Poly silicon film is a new functional material , which has both the advantages of cSi and a Si ∶ H films . It ′ s applied widely in energy science , micro electronics technology of information science .

  15. 微乳在生物技术、人造血管、酶固定化、能源科学、纳米材料、涂料、医药、食品、石油、选矿、环境等方面得到了越来越广泛的关注和应用。

    Microemulsion has been paid more and more attention to and applied in biotechnology , artificial blood vessel , enzyme immobilization , energy science , nanometer material , dope , medicine , foodstuff , petroleum , ore dressing and environment etc.

  16. 因此,研制开发一种可再生的清洁能源成为科学工作者的首要任务。

    Therefore , the research of a renewable clean energy to become the primary task .

  17. 环境约束背景下如何高效地利用能源,科学地整合各类资源,合理地引导技术进步是当前我国经济发展的重要议题之一。

    How to use energy efficiently , to integrate various resources scientifically , to improve technology reasonably is one of the important topics of Chinese current economy .

  18. 马来西亚能源、科学、技术、环境及气候变化部长杨美盈带头倡导了减少一次性塑料使用的环保行动。

    Bee Yin Yeo , Malaysia 's minister of energy , science , technology , environment and climate change , is featured for leading environmental efforts to reduce single-use plastics .

  19. 能源的科学合理利用和开发,对国民经济持续快速稳定的发展和人民生活水平的健康提高具有深远的重要意义。

    Scientific , rational utilization and development of energy resources have a profound significance for sustainable , rapid and stable development of the national economy , healthy improvement of people 's living standard .

  20. 人类在本世纪后期将面临着油气资源的枯竭,寻求洁净高效的新能源成为科学界追求的目标。

    Facing exhaustion of hydrocarbon resources in the late stage of this century , people have to make a search for a sort of new source of energy who is cleanliness and high efficiency .

  21. 能源利用科学对能源科学技术发展、进而对促进社会经济发展和满足国家重大战略需求都将起到重要的作用。

    The progress in the science of energy utilizations will have a crucial effect on the developments of energy science and technology , which will then promote social and economical developments and fulfill requirements for the national strategical objective .

  22. 随着世界上石油、天然气资源的日渐耗尽,人类在21世纪后期面临着油气资源枯渴的局面,因此寻求洁净高效的新能源成为科学界追求的目标。

    With resources of petroleum and natural gas in the world gradually exhausted , mankind will face a situation of dried-up oil-gas resources in the later 21st century , so it has become the aim of scientific community to seek clean and efficient new energy .

  23. 天然气水合物:能源与环境科学的前沿问题

    Natural Gas Hydrates : Affinity Problems of Energy and Environment Science

  24. 为应对这些挑战,居民能源消费亟待科学地加以引导。

    To meet these challenges , residential energy consumption should be guided scientifically .

  25. 它将会改变能源,环境科学。

    It will change energy , environmental science .

  26. 二是拥有利用能源农业的科学技术。

    Second , Jilin Province has the science and technology using energy in agriculture .

  27. 是什么东西让世界延续?爱?金钱?能源?还是科学技术?

    What makes the world go round ? Love ? Money ? Energy ? Or science and technology ?

  28. 解决了太阳能的储存问题。该研究成果将发布在能源与环境科学杂志上。

    Which deals with the storage problem associated with solar power . The research will appear in the journal Energy & Environmental Science .

  29. 坚持科学权意味着让全社会获得诸如医药、通讯技术和可再生能源能等等科学的收益。

    Upholding the right to science means making scientific benefits , such as medicines , communication technologies and renewable energy , accessible to all sectors of society .

  30. 在我国开征燃油税是治理整顿公路运输中“乱收费”问题的需要,也是节约能源、落实科学发展观的必然要求。

    In china , fuel tax started collection is the necessary of fathering and neatening the road unreasonable charging , also the necessary requirement of saving water and energy sources .