
  • 网络energy service
  1. 能源服务是WTO新一轮服务贸易市场准入谈判的新议题。

    Energy service will be the new issue of the new WTO negotiation about market access of service trade .

  2. 浅析GATS框架下我国能源服务贸易谈判应注意的几个问题

    Analysis on the Negotiations about Energy Service Trade under GATS Framework

  3. 加拿大钻井承包商恩赛因能源服务(EnsignEnergyServices)称,将在加州的油田裁掉700名工人,相当于员工总数的约10%。

    Ensign Energy Services , a Canadian drilling contractor , reported that it would be laying off 700 workers , or roughly 10 percent of its work force , in California fields .

  4. ESCO(EnergyServiceCompany)是能源服务公司的简称,这类新型的节能服务公司在世界各地的建筑节能领域取得了相当巨大的成果。

    ESCO ( Energy Service Company ) is that the sources of energy service company shorter form . This kind of late-model energy conservation service company has got pretty gigantic achievement in world everywhere building energy conservation field .

  5. Sierra说,在当前的政策和投资条件下,到2030年,全世界仍然会有14亿人口不能享用现代能源服务。

    With current policies and investments , 1.4 billion people still will not have access to modern forms of energy services by2030 , Sierra says .

  6. KandehYumkella和MorganBazilian说,对能源服务的普遍获取在技术上是可行的,但需要找到新的方法。

    Universal access to energy services is technically possible , but new approaches are needed , say Kandeh Yumkella and Morgan Bazilian .

  7. 来自全球发展中心的NancyBirdsall和ArvindSubramanian说,气候谈判必须把重点放在改善获取能源服务,而非削减排放。

    Climate talks should focus on improving access to energy services , not cutting emissions , say Nancy Birdsall and Arvind Subramanian from the Center for Global Development .

  8. 我们就这样进入了能源服务领域。

    And that 's when we get into the energy services .

  9. 人们不消费排放,他们消费的是基础能源服务。

    People do not consume emissions , they consume basic energy services .

  10. 在发展中国家,数以十亿计的人们无法获得基本的能源服务。

    In the developing world , billions of people lack access to basic energy services .

  11. 介绍了引进的美国哈理伯顿能源服务公司的核磁共振测井仪。

    The nuclear magnetic resonance well logging tool is analysed which is imported from Halliburton Energy Services .

  12. 鼓励能源服务公司参与热电联产的投资、建设和管理;

    Encouraging the energy service companies to participate in the investment , construction and management of cogeneration ;

  13. 有些地热和水力发电厂已经在为许多家庭和企业提供能源服务了。

    There are geothermal and hydroelectric power plants that already provide energy for lots of homes and businesses .

  14. 印度相当大一部分人口依然缺电,因此需要帮助来拓展其现代能源服务。

    India needs help expanding modern energy services in a land where a sizeable fraction of the population lacks electricity .

  15. 塞浦路斯商业、工业和旅游部能源服务主管索隆·卡辛尼斯说,已经根据国际法采取了所有步骤。

    Solon Kassinis , director of the Cyprus Energy Services , says all steps have been taken in accordance to international law .

  16. 不过Gogoro不甘于机车制造商的角色,他们自许为一间以能源服务为本的公司。

    But Gogoro doesn 't want to be called a scooter company . It sees itself as an energy services company at heart .

  17. 一月份,该部的能源服务负责人告诉国会,他确信,里面塞块碳氢化合物存在。

    In January , the head of the ministry 's Energy Service told parliament he was certain that hydrocarbons existed inside the Cypriot block .

  18. 在许多地区,由于农户收入水平较低,沼气建设过分依赖政府补贴,能源服务公司的经营管理能力及融资能力都比较差,导致当地沼气行业发展缓慢。

    Due to some Energy Service Companies with insufficient business management and weak capacity for financing , it causes the biogas industry to be developed slowly .

  19. 但是每个月仍有几百人死于非命,政治腐败依然严重,基础能源服务供应紧张,比如生活用电仍旧时断时续。

    But hundreds of people are still being killed each month , corruption is high and the provision of basic services such as electricity is still sporadic .

  20. 能源服务公司。它们同企业或政府一道识别并设计能效项目,安排融资,实施项目。

    ESCOs ( energy service companies ) that work with businesses or governments to identify and design energy efficiency projects , arrange financing , and implement the projects .

  21. 不能获取廉价、清洁和可靠的能源服务阻碍着人类、社会和经济发展,而且它是实现联合国千年发展目标的一个主要障碍。

    Lack of access to affordable , clean and reliable energy services hinders human , social and economic development and is a major impediment to achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  22. 如果我们继续“一切照常”下去,不能获取现代能源服务的绝对人数在未来几十年将不会下降&这是一个让人无法接受的结果。

    If we go on with'business as usual'the absolute number of people who do not have access to modern energy services will not fall in the next few decades & an unacceptable outcome .

  23. 并采用能源服务研究模式,对相应光源在全寿命周期内所产生的汞污染、温室气体数量进行了对比研究;

    An analysis of the environmental impacts such as mercury and Greenhouse Gas ( GHG ) emissions of these lamps is undertaken in regards to their life-cycle by using the energy service formula .

  24. 电力需求侧管理是在合理有效用电的基础上减少电量消耗和降低电力需求,着重在减少终端用电的浪费而不是以降低能源服务水平去抑制电力需求。

    DSM refers to the reduction the energy consumption and demand based on rational energy consumption , meanwhile it emphasizes on the reduction of end-user energy waste instead of the reduction of energy service .

  25. “发展市场”今年的目标是为企业家提供400万美元的赠款,以支持他们找到新的、低成本的方法,为仍然缺乏基本服务的人口提供用水、卫生和能源服务。

    This year , the Development Marketplace is looking to give US $ 4 million to entrepreneurs to find new , low-cost ways to bring water , sanitation and energy to people still lacking these basic services .

  26. 它们应当肯定,发展中国家的人民拥有与富国人民相同的享受能源服务的权利,然后主动帮助他们以最环保的方式及尽可能低的成本获得这些服务。

    They should affirm that people in developing countries have the same rights to energy-based services as those in rich ones , and then offer to help them obtain those at the lowest possible cost in the greenest possible way .

  27. 我们的目标应该是,发展中国家能获得与富国在相应发展阶段相当的能源服务,同时利用可获得的最新清洁技术来提供这些服务。

    The goal should be that developing countries ' access to such energy services is comparable to that achieved by rich countries at their corresponding stage of development , while exploiting the latest available clean technologies to provide these services .

  28. 建设给电动汽车集中充电的高效安全可靠的充电站,成为推广电动汽车的关键环节之一,是电动汽车大规模产业化后不可缺少的电动汽车能源服务基础设施。

    In order to extend the EV industry , it is very necessary to build the centralizing , safe , reliable and high-efficient charging-station for the EVs , which will be indispensable energy services infrastructure when the large-scale industrialization of EVs is formed .

  29. 生猪规模养殖与户用生物质资源合作开发模式对生猪规模养殖污染和户用生物质资源能源服务技术短缺制约具有反制约作用,是生猪规模养殖废弃物处理及资源循环开发的有效模式。

    Development cooperation mode of scale pig breeding and biomass resources with the restriction on scale pig breeding pollution and biogas energy shortage and service technology , which is an effective mode to the scale pig farming waste treatment and recycling of resources development . 4 .

  30. 研究这些谈判建议书对能源服务的界定及其分歧,对于中国确定能源服务的谈判立场和策略,提出符合中国国情的能源服务谈判建议具有重要意义。

    It is of great implications for China to sketch out the negotiation standpoint and strategy and make the relevant proposal for energy service negotiations in conformity with China 's reality on the basis of the study on the definitions and differences in other members ' proposals .