
shèn zànɡ yán
  • inflammation of the kidneys
  1. 目的探讨宫内急性缺氧缺血后肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)在胎鼠肾脏炎性反应发生中的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha ( TNF α) on inflammatory reaction in fetal rat kidney after acute ischemia .

  2. 摘要目的:探讨肾脏炎性假瘤的临床特征。

    Objective : to study the clinical feature of renal inflammatory pseudotumor .

  3. 方法回顾23例肾脏炎性假瘤的临床资料。

    Methods The clinical materials of23 cases of renal inflammatory pseudotumor were reviewed retrospectively .

  4. 肾脏炎性占位疾病的诊治

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Renal Inflammatory Space-occupied Diseases

  5. 肿瘤坏死因子-α在宫内急性缺氧缺血后胎鼠肾脏炎性反应发生中的作用

    Effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on inflammatory reaction in fetal rat kidney after acute ischemia

  6. 肾脏炎性假瘤的临床特征

    The clinical feature of renal inflammatory pseudotumor

  7. 目的提高对肾脏炎性假瘤的临床认识,避免误诊误治。

    Objective To promote the clinical recognization of renal inflammatory pseudotumor and avoid misdiagnosing and treating mistakenly .

  8. 方法:回顾性分析3例肾脏炎性假瘤诊治情况,并结合文献就肾脏炎性假瘤的诊治问题进行讨论。

    Methods : 3 cases of renal inflammatory pseudotumours were reported with review of the literature , discussed the diagnosis and therapy .

  9. 近期对于雌激素及其受体的研究表明,肾脏实质细胞及其炎性浸润细胞的表面均存在雌激素受体β亚型。

    Recent studies on estrogen and its receptor ( ER ) implicate that there is ER B in the cellular membrane of renal cells and inflammatory cells .

  10. A组大鼠4天时肾脏可见局灶炎性反应并于其间可见钙化灶,1周内可见逐渐增多的间质内和肾小管上皮基底结晶沉积,2周可见大量管腔内钙化和晶体沉积。

    Within one week the kidney shows a gradual increase crystalline deposition in interstitial and tubular basement . When the two weeks , we can see a large number calcification and crystal deposition within the tubular .