
  • 网络Stock Listing;IPO;go public
  1. 如今,许多中小企业融资的重要手段是通过首次公开发行股票上市来筹资。

    Initial public offering ( IPO ) is important measure for SME finance today .

  2. 合同都要签了,我的股票上市怎么办?

    The contracts are about to be signed . What about my IPO huh ?

  3. 2002年,花旗集团通过股票上市和其后的分拆,放弃了对旅行者财险(TravelersPropertyCasualty)的控制权。

    In 2002 , Citigroup gave up control of Travelers Property Casualty through a share listing and subsequent spin-off .

  4. 二者共同构成了IPO股票上市首日卖方力量的来源。

    Both of them constitute the first day of IPO stocks listed seller a source of strength .

  5. 它们在股票上市前以26美元的定价卖出了7000万股,帮Twitter募到了17.6亿美元,而银行从中赚到了5900万美元。

    Those sales raised $ 1.76 billion for twitter , after the banks ' fees of $ 59 million .

  6. 所谓的IPO抑价,是指首次公开发行的股票上市后,新股发行价低于首日收盘价的现象。

    IPO under-pricing refers to the phenomenon that on the first trading day of the initial public offering , the closing price is above the issue price .

  7. AOL的员工刚刚庆祝了公司股票上市,更多的威胁就已出现在前方。

    No sooner had AOL employees celebrated their Wall Street debut than more threats appeared on the horizon .

  8. 新入选榜单的富翁包括网络搜索巨头Google的创建人布琳和裴基,在他们公司的股票上市后,他俩每人的财富都超过了70亿美元。

    New entrants to the list include the founders of the internet search group Google Sergie Brin and Larry Page each worth more than seven billion dollars after their company 's recent stock market debut .

  9. 指出了在目前网络企业的股权融资方式中存在私幕资本、风险投资、股票上市IPO、衍生风险投资四种可行的股权融资方式。

    It indicates that there are four kinds of feasibility stock-financing mode in the Internet company : Private Placement Capital , Venture Capital , Initial Public Offerings and Derivative Venture Capital .

  10. 具体到IPO股票上市首日,笔者认为只有首日超额收益率高到某个程度时正向反馈交易者才会出现。

    Specific to the IPO stocks listed on the first day , I think that only the first day of excess income to a degree higher than positive feedback traders will appear .

  11. IPO(InitialPublicOffering,首次公开发行)是指首次获准公开发行股票上市的公司与其承销商共同确定的将股票公开发售给特定或非特定投资者的行为。

    IPO ( initial public offering ) is behavior that the first time issuer and its underwriters jointly make public offering of shares to specific investors or non-specific . In the capital markets , IPO short-run underpricing is existed widespread .

  12. IPO抑价(IPOUnder-pricing)现象是指首次公开发行的股票上市后的市场交易价格远高于发行价格,导致首次公开发行的新股上市存在较高的超额收益率。

    IPO under-pricing is the stock market price much higher than the offering price , resulting in an initial public offering . IPO is a higher rate of excess return .

  13. 该方法已被应用于股票上市公司经营业绩综合评价排序,通过与传统Delphi法应用对比,证实了改进的Delphi法具有较高的计算精度和效率。

    It has been successfully applied to evaluate and sort operational results of stock listed companies of China , the result shows that the improved Delphi method is more accurate than the traditional Delphi method .

  14. 但从实际情况来看,IPO价格并非总与公司的内在价值一致,IPO股票上市后的首日交易价格也往往偏离其内在价值,导致了诸如IPO抑价等现象的出现。

    But as a matter of fact , the IPO prices are not always consistent with companies ' intrinsic value , the first-day trade prices after IPO sometimes deviate its intrinsic value , leading to the underpricing of IPO .

  15. 但是,外国竞争对手将发现自己很难将中国IPO从上海或香港吸引过来,因为当地投资者群体拥有巨大流动性,这在今年基本上保证了股票上市首日的良好表现。

    However , foreign rivals will find it tough going to lure Chinese IPOs away from Shanghai or Hong Kong , given the huge liquidity in the local investor base , which this year virtually guaranteed healthy first-day starts .

  16. 几个月前,当Skype正准备股票上市时,微软老板就主动报价然后迅速行动完成交易。

    Skype was heading for a stockmarket flotation until Microsoft 's boss lobbed in an unsolicited offer for it a couple of months ago and then moved quickly to close a deal .

  17. 而在股票上市以后由于二级市场的弱式有效及浓重的投机氛围,造成首日收盘价很高,存在超额收益率现象,这就是IPO抑价现象。

    When the stock get into the secondary market , due to the weak efficiency and the speculation , resulting in a high closing price on the first day , there are extra earnings , this is the phenomenon of IPO underpricing .

  18. 所以在IPO股票上市首日存在巨大的卖方力量,如果此时没有足够的买方力量与之平衡,IPO股票就有出现破发的可能。

    So the first day of the IPO stock market there is a huge seller power , this time , if the buyer does not have enough balance of power with them , IPO stocks , there appears the possibility of a break .

  19. 通常IPO股票上市首日的收盘价要远远高于其招股发行价格,使得IPO的投资者能够获得超过正常收益的投资收益率,这就是所谓的股票IPO抑价。

    Usually the closing price of IPO on the open market for the first time is far higher than its issue price , which makes the investors who subscribe IPO able to acquire a paranormal rate of return , and this is so - called IPO underpricing .

  20. 对rockbridge的投资者而言,“套现”很可能以两种方式实现:要么进行首次公开发行(ipo),让股票上市交易;要么将rockbridge出售给另一家银行。

    For Rockbridge investors , " liquidity " is likely to come from either an initial public offering , allowing shares to be traded publicly , or from a sale to another bank .

  21. 你的意思是说你们公司不是有股票上市的?

    B : Do you mean your company is not public ?

  22. 股票上市交易日期尚未公布。

    A date for the stock sale has yet to be announced .

  23. 国有商业银行股份制改革及股票上市探讨

    On the Reform of Share - Holding System and Listing the Stock

  24. 优化我国高新技术企业资本结构的产权制度:改革和完善我国高新技术企业国有股权管理体制;促进国有股减持和推动股票上市流通;

    Fourth , optimize our country 's high-technique enterprise 's capital structure system ;

  25. 这支互联网服务提供商的股票上市以来已上涨近10%。

    Shares in the internet provider have since risen almost 10 per cent .

  26. 论佛山股份公司与股票上市

    On the Share-Holding Company and Stock Listing of Foshan

  27. 近年来越来越多的国内民营企业开始选择在境外市场发行股票上市。

    More and more Chinese companies listed overseas in the foreign securities market .

  28. 海外上市之德国证券市场股票上市规则研究

    Research on the Listing Rules of German Stock Market

  29. 股票上市制度是证券市场的核心制度。

    The stock listing system is the core system of the securities market .

  30. 我国股票上市首日超额收益影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Influences on Abnormal Returns of New Shares Issue in China Stocks