
  • 网络share allocations
  1. 另一名人士表示,将定价区间保持在适度水平意味着阿里巴巴将能够从中挑选更多公司,进行股权分配。

    Keeping the price range modest means that Alibaba will be able to pick more of those firms for share allocations , another one of these people said .

  2. 动态股权分配方案设计

    Design on Dynamic Virtual Stock Option Allocation Plan

  3. 问题出在新公司给政府的股权分配上(见另文)。

    The problem was the government shareholdings in the new entity ( see article ) .

  4. 基于努力程度的创业投资最优股权分配模型

    The Model and Analysis of the Optimum Equity Structure of Venture Capital Based on Effort

  5. 在围绕股权分配的谈判中,大部分合伙人都会觉得自己所得的少于自己应得的。

    In negotiations over shareholdings , most partners think they deserve more than they actually get .

  6. 其一,作为一种股权分配形式,股票期权是人力资本享有与物质资本同样的剩余分配权,从根本上解决贡献与报酬对等的问题;

    First , as a distribution means of share , stock option makes human capital share the same residual rights with material capital .

  7. 怎样合理的设计模型来研究股东与高管之间的股权分配以及高管薪酬极值设定是以后一个研究方向。

    How rational design a model to study the optimum equity and allocation compensation between shareholders and executives is a future research direction .

  8. 以资本结构理论与公司治理理论为基础,分析了资本结构的公司治理效应。基于努力程度的创业投资最优股权分配模型

    ; the debt structure and the equity structure all affect the corporate governance . The Model and Analysis of the Optimum Equity Structure of Venture Capital Based on Effort

  9. 技术股权的分配、激励和约束研究

    A Study on Distribution , Stimulation and Restriction of Technological Stock Right

  10. 而相对负债融资,企业进行股权融资分配给股东的股利则必须要在缴纳完企业所得税之后才能发放,企业并不能获得税收上的利益。

    Relative to debt financing , when enterprise is using equity financing , the dividend can only be issued to shareholders after the payment of corporate income tax . As a result , businesses cannot get tax benefits .

  11. 事务所更多应按照专业技能的贡献程度进行利润分配,不应过多的按股权比例进行分配。

    Firms should follow the contribution of expertise to distribute the profits , not according to the equity ratio too much . 3 .

  12. 人力资源股份化后,股权参与收益分配的对象不应该是净利润,而应该是经济增加值。

    After establishment of a full-fledged shareholding system of human resources , the subject of income distribution of stock rights should not be net profit but economic added value .

  13. 股份合作制企业的股权结构和红利分配的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the ownership right structure and dividend distribution in enterprises operating on Shareholding and cooperative system

  14. 从资产处理、合作形式、股权设置、收益分配和组织人事管理等方面综合分析合作经营制改革方案;

    The procedures of cooperative management system were summarized in aspects of capital treatment , cooperative pattern , stock allot , benefit distribution and personnel management .

  15. 在此基础上,从企业产权制度角度对农村土地股份合作制的产权结构、股权设置、收益分配制度加以解析。

    Consequently , the property structure , the initialization of stock rights and the profit allocation system of the joint stock-cooperative system were analyzed from the aspect of enterprise property system .

  16. 股权结构和股利分配是一对互相影响的因素,他们之间相互作用与影响的关系实质上就体现了公司治理内在机制和外在表现的关系。

    Ownership structure and dividend distribution are mutual influences , and the interactional influence between them show us the relationship between the internal and the external manifestation of corporate governance manifestations essentially .

  17. 另外,目前尚不清楚,尼日利亚将如何在不迫使西方企业放弃股权的情况下,把股权分配给中国人。此举可能会引发诉讼并扰乱生产。

    Moreover , it is unclear how the state would allocate equity to the Chinese without forcing western companies to relinquish it a move that could prompt litigation and disrupt production .

  18. 论文以股权设置为基础,利用合作博弈理论,建立利益分配的Nash协商模型和群体加权重心模型,合理协调各种股权利益分配的比例。

    The paper based on the equity setting , uses cooperative game theory , and sets up the Nash negotiation model for the distribution of interests and population-weighted center of gravity model in order to reasonably coordinate the proportion of interests distribution of all kinds of equities .