
  1. 新《公司法》对股权变动模式规定较为混乱。

    The new company law changes to shareholding is chaos .

  2. 规则的确立与构建&以有限公司股权变动登记制度为例

    On Legal Construction of Stock Transfer and Registration of Limited Liability Company

  3. 随着市场经济的发展,非上市公司的股权变动及变动所涉及的评估项目也日趋增多。

    Together with the increase of transactions between non-listed companies'shares-holders , related valuation tasks accelerate .

  4. 首先从理论上来说股权变动的公示,应当是单数的公示。

    First theoretically speaking shareholding changes shall be odd public announcements , of the public .

  5. 此三者都是股权变动的结果而不是原因。

    All the three items aforementioned are the results of the changes in the shareholdings , instead of the causations .

  6. 其次,由此股权变动有其自身的效力层次,因此,在不同的层次,第三人利益保护的实现途径也不同。

    The ownership changing of the equity has its own effectiveness level , therefore , in different levels , the third party interests realization ways of protection is also different .

  7. 一名观察人士表示,交叉持股将不超过3%,刚好高于股权变动情况必须公开的门槛。

    The mutual stake would be in the range of 3 per cent , just above the threshold whereby shareholdings have to be made public , one of the observers said .

  8. 这一股权变动可能标志着,美中两国汽车制造商之间的实力平衡出现了具有象征意义的重要转变。中国目前是全球最大和增长最快的汽车市场。

    The shareholding change could mark a symbolically important shift in the balance of power between carmakers in the US and China , now the world 's largest and fastest growing car market .

  9. 股权结构变动对股权收益率影响的分析

    Analysis of the Influence of Equity Ratio Change Upon Rate of Return on Stockholders ' Equity

  10. 中外合资企业股权结构变动时,往往涉及国有股权利益。

    In the ownership alternation of Sino-foreign equity joint ventures , state equity interests are often involved .

  11. 但合同生效时间不等同于股权的变动时间。

    Nevertheless , the effective time of the agreement is not equal to the transfer time of shareholdings .

  12. 绩效变化及对股权结构变动的影响&基于跨国公司在华投资企业的分析

    Influence of Performance on Changing of Shareholding Structure : On the Base of Analysis on the International-invested Enterprises in China

  13. 中远投资的董事股权有所变动。

    Notice of a Director 's ( including a director who is a substantial shareholder ) Interest and Change in Interest .

  14. 通过对案例分析,笔者将提出了不同情况下股权结构的变动趋势。

    Through case studies , the author will present a different case of the trend changes in shareholding structure .

  15. 分析结果表明:上市公司绩效、公司规模、持股主体与行业分布等是影响上市公司股权集中度变动的主要因素。

    The result of this article 's analysis indicate : the performance of listed companies , the scale of companies , the main body of stockholding and industrial distribution are the major factors that affect the change of the listed companies ' ownership concentration degree .

  16. 国企改制中股权与债权的变动模式多种多样。

    There are variety of patterns of changes in ownership and debt during state-owned enterprise restructuring process .

  17. 因股权转让导致的股权变动须经过股权转让合同的签订及履行、公司内部股东名册变更登记、公司登记机关登记三个阶段。

    There are three stages before the changes of shareholdings resulting from the transfer of shareholdings are accomplished : the signature and the performance of the agreement , the change of registration for the shareholder list in the corporation and the registration in the relative authority .

  18. 对股权权能作了简单分类,探讨了部分股权权能的限制问题,还探讨了股权变动模式。

    The equity power has been categorized . Meanwhile , some research has been done to the restriction and transfer of stock equity power .