
  1. 股权善意取得制度既有理论基础也有现实需要,应当立法进行规范。

    The bona fide acquisition system has both theoretical basis and realistic requirements , and should be legislated to regulate .

  2. 另外,该案的一审判决结果是对股权善意取得的肯定,也证明了该制度在现代经济生活和司法实践的必要性。

    In addition , the result of the first instance judgment of the case is the confirmation of the bona fide acquisition of stock rights , which also proves the necessity of the institution in modern economic life and judicial practice .

  3. 有限责任公司股权善意取得的制度构建一方面是对传统善意取得理论的突破,另一方面则是对现实善意取得实践的积极回应。

    The system construction of Shares of Limited Liability Company acquired in good faith on the one hand , is a breakthrough of the traditional theory , on the other hand is a real good practice to obtain a positive response .

  4. 股权是区别于动产与不动产的一种特殊的财产权利,对于股权的善意取得,在我国法学理论界争论不断,而立法对此尚无明确的规范。

    Stock right is a special property right different from movable property and real property . There has been a constant controversy about the bona fide acquisition of stock rights in Chinese law circle while legislation makes no clear specification .