
  1. twitter还能与每个买方单独商定股权转让价格,这使该公司能够牢牢把握住自身的估值水平。

    Twitter is able to agree a price with each buyer individually , giving it tight control of its valuation .

  2. 第三部分中国上市公司MBO的现状分析:通过对上市公司股权转让价格、管理层控股份额和MBO前后企业绩效的比较分析目前MBO在我国实施的状·况。

    The third part is the status of Chinese listed companies ' MBO , which analyzes the prize of the state-owned assets , the control degree of the management and the performance of the firms .

  3. 管理层收购中国有股权转让价格的辩析

    The Debate of the Transfer Price of State-Owned Stock in MBO

  4. 银行业市净率问题研究&兼论国有商业银行股权转让价格问题

    A study of P / B in Banking Industry-Analyzing Transferring Prices of State-owned Commercial Banks

  5. 由研究结果来看,国家对上市公司国有股权转让价格的监管正在不断发挥效力,并且有逐渐增强的趋势。

    According to the result of the research , national supervision to the transfer price of state-owned shares appears to be effective and strengthened gradually .

  6. 股权转让价格的不合理及管理层的自买自卖、暗箱操作,是造成企业资产流失的主要原因。

    The main reasons for the losing of corporate economic resources are no reasonable transfer price , the management seller-buyer identity and operation in black box .

  7. 有人提出引资贱卖国有资产论,认为外资在参股时严重低估了国有股权的价值和发展潜力,出现了国有股权转让价格偏低的现象。

    Some think that the value and growth potential of SOEs are seriously under-valued and the transfer price of state-owned equity is too low when foreign investors merge and acquire it .

  8. 在股权转让问题中,对长江水运国有股权转让方式和转让价格作了深入阐述和研究分析,并就出现的问题结合国内外相关理论和实践,提出了自己的观点。

    For the stock equity transfer , the article thoroughly elucidates and analyses transfer ways and price of the state-owned stock equity and presents the author 's viewpoints in the light of the domestic and abroad theories and practice .

  9. 并购采用股权转让方式,华菱集团转让华菱钢铁36.673%的股份给米塔尔集团,且股权转让价格较转让前期末每股净资产价格的溢价比例相对较低。

    The M & A is by way of share transfer , Valin Group has transferred 36.673 % stake to Mittal , and the equity transfer price is relatively lower .