
  • 网络the Federal Advisory Council;FAC;Federal Advisory Commission
  1. 例如,《联邦咨询委员会法》(FederalAdvisoryCommitteeAct)对任何试图咨询政府之外团体的公共机构施加了繁琐的要求,规定它们必须通过正式批准并满足政治平衡的各种标准。

    The Federal Advisory Committee Act , for example , places onerous requirements on any public agency seeking to consult a group outside the government , requiring that they are formally approved and meet various criteria for political balance .

  2. 在《联邦咨询委员会法》(FACA)中,国会采取了好几个步骤来促进咨询委员会的公共责任性。

    In the Federal Advisory Committee Act ( FACA ), Congress took several steps to promote the public accountability of advisory committees .

  3. 根据《联邦咨询委员会法》,咨询委员会必须公开举行会议。

    Under faca , advisory committees must hold their meetings in public .

  4. 在后继的诉讼中,法院裁定该委员会违反了《联邦咨询委员会法》。

    In a later proceeding , the court found a violation of faca .

  5. 然而,《联邦咨询委员会法》对文档的要求,可能还不足以制作出足以追踪委员会审议过程的必要信息。

    The FACA requirements concerning the paper trail , however , may not be sufficiently specific to generate the information necessary to track the committee 's deliberations .