
  • 网络lenovo;Lenovo Mobile
  1. 今年9月,中国移动推出了自己版本的谷歌操作系统android手机ophone,由联想手机(lenovomobile)、宏达和戴尔制造不同型号。

    In September , China Mobile launched the ophone , its own version of an Android phone , with different versions made by Lenovo Mobile , HTC and Dell .

  2. 根据IHS的数据,HMD于2016年开始得到诺基亚授权,2017年在全球售出超过7000万部手机,年度销量与索尼和联想手机处于同一阵营。

    HMD , which has licensed the Nokia brand since 2016 , sold over 70 million handsets in 2017 , according to IHS . That puts its sales , on an annualized basis , in the same league as Sony and Lenovo .

  3. 联想手机是新的开始,不过美中不足的是它只会在中国上市。

    The Lenovo phone is a start , but it will only be available in China .

  4. 他表示,采用英特尔芯片的联想手机,将在中国发布4至5个月后在其它国家投放市场。

    He said the Intel-powered Lenovo phone would become available in other countries four to five months after its China launch .

  5. 联想智能手机出货量同比增长了逾20倍,目前已在它的主市场中国成为市场占有率第二大的品牌,截止9月底仅以1.1个百分点的差距紧随排名首位的三星(samsung)之后。

    Lenovo grew its smartphone shipment by more than 20 times from the same period last year and is now the second-biggest brand by market share in China , its main market , trailing leader Samsung by just 1.1 percentage points as of September .

  6. 转录因子的活动方式与细胞的‘设置’有点相似,联想一下手机或电脑的‘设置’就明白了。

    Transcription factors act a little bit like the'settings'of our cells , just like the settings on our phones or computers .

  7. Phab2Pro看起来也令人印象深刻,拥有6.4英寸的显示屏和四个摄像头,以助于展现其功能。联想扬言这款手机的传感器拥有每秒约25万频谱处理能力。

    The Phab2 Pro also looks impressive , with a 6.4-inch display screen and four cameras to help perform its wizardry . Lenovo boasts the phone 's sensors can capture about 250000 measurements per second .

  8. 在联想收购摩托罗拉手机业务的一周前,该公司刚刚宣布以23亿美元收购IBM的低端服务器业务。该项交易也将受到Cfius的严密审查,但预计不会遇到太大麻烦。

    Lenovo 's Motorola deal comes a week after it announced a $ 2.3bn acquisition of IBM 's low-end server business , which will also be closely reviewed by Cfius but might not encounter major issues .

  9. 中国品牌的最新粉丝安努什尔•纳哈儿(AnusheelNahar)曾是黑莓(BlackBerry)的忠实用户,他花了8500卢比(约合822人民币)买了一部联想的智能手机。

    One recent convert to a Chinese brand is Anusheel Nahar , a longtime BlackBerry user , who bought a Lenovo smartphone for 8500 rupees , or about $ 140 .

  10. 主要得益于中国本土市场的强劲增长,联想光智能手机的销量就飙升132%。

    Sales of smartphones alone soared by 132 % .

  11. 联想进军智能手机业务的努力在盈利方面存在风险。

    Lenovo 's smartphone push is a risky bet in terms of earnings .

  12. 移动销售额——包括摩托罗拉和联想品牌的手机——同比下降6%,至17亿美元,但在计入汇率波动因素后持平。

    Mobile sales , including Motorola and Lenovo-brand handsets , fell 6 per cent year-on-year to $ 1.7bn but came in flat after currency fluctuations were accounted for .

  13. 目前,联想也向智能手机和平板电脑市场吹响了进军的号角。

    The company has also expanded into smartphones and tablets .

  14. 尽管如此,一些分析人士说,联想最近对智能手机业务的重视使其无法集中精力开发新兴市场对个人电脑的潜在需求。

    Still , some analysts say Lenovo 's recent focus on the smartphone business is distracting the company from efforts to tap potential PC demand in emerging markets .

  15. 在某种程度上,日本汽车业对微型车的青睐令人联想起日本智能手机制造商的境况,后者开发了非常迎合日本消费者的功能,而难以在海外市场取得进展。

    In some ways , the auto industry 's love of minicars here is reminiscent of Japanese smartphone makers , which geared features heavily toward Japanese consumers and struggled to make headway overseas .

  16. 该战略旨在将联想带入后智能手机时代,它将考验创建于1984年的联想作为中国科技行业一家元老级公司,能否适应由更灵活和快速发展的竞争对手主导的环境?

    The strategy , designed to carry the company into the post-smartphone era , is a test of Lenovo 's ability to evolve from its roots as the grandfather of China tech - it was founded in 1984 - to a landscape ruled by nimbler , rapidly developing rivals .

  17. 今年早些时候,联想购回了约一年前售出的手机部门&联想手机(LenovoMobile)。

    Lenovo earlier this year bought back Lenovo Mobile , its handset unit , which it had sold little more than a year earlier .

  18. 联想集团通过弘毅资本完成对旗下联想移动的控股,标志着联想集团对于手机终端市场的重视。

    Lenovo Group completed the M & A of its subsidiary Lenovo Mobile by Hony Capital Holdings which marks the Lenovo Group pays the attention of the handset market .