
  • 【法】United Nations flag
  1. 从这里看到的曼哈顿天际线令人惊叹,但我特别注意到一面巨大的蓝色联合国旗帜。

    There is a stunning view of the Manhattan skyline but the only decoration of note is a gigantic blue UN flag .

  2. 昨天机场升起了联合国的旗帜,表明控制权已移交给联合国了。

    The UN flag was raised at the airport yesterday to signify that control had passed into its hands .

  3. 它也是联合国和欧洲旗帜的主色。

    It is the color of the flag of the United Nations and of Europe .

  4. 飘扬起风筝;所有的国家都在联合国前面飘扬起旗帜。

    Fly a kite ; All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N. .

  5. 最初,五角大楼选定的是淡蓝色,但后来有人指出,这种颜色和联合国及以色列的旗帜的颜色看起来很相似。

    The initial choice was light blue until the issue was raised that the color " looked like the u.n. , looked like the Israeli flag " .