
lián hé ɡuó ān quán lǐ shì huì
  • United Nations Security Council;U.N.Security Council
  1. 联合国安全理事会将取消制裁与遵守停火协议挂钩。

    The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms

  2. 12月1日,联合国安全理事会的轮值主席国职位自动地由美国移交给也门。

    On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen .

  3. 这一政策可能会使该国孤立于联合国安全理事会其他常任理事国之外。

    This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

  4. 这个问题在联合国安全理事会辩论过。

    The matter was debated in the Security Council of the United nations .

  5. 联合国安全理事会上周已经批准了飞行禁令为了保护平民,包括那些在Benghazi的。

    The United Nations Security Council approved the flight ban last week to protect civilians , including those in Benghazi .

  6. 他呼吁联合国安全理事会(简称UNSC)发挥作用,强调当务之急是停止暴力。

    He called on United Nations Security Council ( UNSC ) to take on its role , stressing that the top priority for now is to stop the violence .

  7. 稍后的一份晚间声明要求联合国安全理事会立即做出应对措施。

    A late night statement calls for immediate Security Council action .

  8. 联合国安全理事会紧急会议。

    An emergency session of the United Nations Security council .

  9. 而且还将违反来自联合国安全理事会的条款。

    It would also violate a pair ofresolutions from the UN Security Council .

  10. 联合国安全理事会举行紧急会议讨论危机问题。

    The UN Security Council met in emergency session to discuss the crisis .

  11. 1992年的今天,联合国安全理事会投票全体一致地谴责以色列对巴勒斯坦人的虐行。

    1992-The United Nations Security Council votes unanimously condemning Israel 's treatment of Palestinians .

  12. 法国是联合国安全理事会的常任理事国之一。

    France id one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council .

  13. 他提议成立一个更大的联合国安全理事会。

    He proposed a bigger Security Council .

  14. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国对一切提案均有否决权。

    Permanent members of the United Nation Security Council have a veto over any proposal .

  15. 联合国安全理事会批准秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯连任。

    The United Nations Security Council has endorsed Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a second term .

  16. 翻译:您是否认为日本应该成为联合国安全理事会的一名永久成员?

    Do you think Japan should become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council ?

  17. 联合国安全理事会五个常任理事国关于柬埔寨问题的声明

    Statement of the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council of the United Nations on Cambodia

  18. 1971年,中华人民共和国参加了联合国安全理事会。

    In1971 , the people 's Republic of China was seated in the UN Security council .

  19. 联合国安全理事会决议(安理会决议)论中国对联合国安理会678号决议弃权的原因

    On the Cause of China 's Abstaining from Voting for United Nations Security Council 678 Resolution

  20. 联合国安全理事会负有维持国际和平与安全的责任。

    The United Nations Security Council is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security .

  21. 中国是联合国安全理事会的常任理事国,中国理解自己的责任。

    China is aware of its responsibilities as a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations .

  22. 联合国安全理事会今天在纽约召开会议,讨论中东形势。

    The United Nations Security Council is discussing the situation in the Middle East at a meeting in New York today .

  23. 联合国安全理事会的五个常任理事国是中国、法国、俄罗斯、英国以及美国。

    The five permanent members of the UN Security Council are china , france , russia , the UK and the us .

  24. 10多年以来,联合国安全理事会一直在试图让朝鲜放弃其核武器项目。

    For more than 10 years , the United Nations Security Council has tried to North Korea to its nuclear weapons program .

  25. 作为联合国安全理事会常务成员国,英中两国的外交政策以保持强有效国际机制为基础。

    As permanent members of the UN Security council , both Britain and China base our foreign policy on the maintenance of a strong and effective international system .

  26. 美国海军驱逐舰队根据最近通过的联合国安全理事会决议,从一个星期之前开始跟踪这艘可能运载违禁物品的北韩货船。

    Navy destroyer group began tracking the ship about a week ago under suspicion it may be carrying items banned under a recently passed United Nations Security Council Resolution .

  27. 联合国安全理事会呼吁北部苏丹军队撤出它已在阿卜与苏丹南部边境争议地区采取的立场。南方说阿卜捕获是战争的行动。

    The United Nations Security Council has called on the northern Sudanese army to withdraw from positions it has taken in the disputed region of Abyei on the border with southern Sudan .

  28. 关于实施联合国安全理事会通过的有关南斯拉夫的决议所引起义务的法令南宁海关对主要业务现场实行全天候、无假日值班和24小时预约通关制度;

    Decree on the Enforcement of Obligations Arising from the Resolution on Yugoslavia adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations Nanning Customs Office shall implement a " round-the-clock , no-holiday " duty and 24-hour appointment customs passage system ;

  29. 联合国安全理事会定于昨晚召开紧急会议,以讨论如何应对。美国总统奥巴马称朝鲜此举不计后果,国际社会必须加以解决。

    The United Nations security council was due to hold an emergency meeting last night to discuss a response to the move , which US president Barack Obama described as a reckless step that had to be addressed by the international community .

  30. 上周,(联合国)安全理事会已经批准了派遣20000人的部队接管这次行动。

    Last month , the Security Council approved the resolution for20000un troops and police to take over the operation .