
lián hé láo dònɡ
  • associated labor
  1. 改革联合劳动的组合方式,并非开放劳动力市场

    Reform in the Organizational Model of Labour Does Not Mean Open Labour Market

  2. 评广义价值论和联合劳动价值论

    Reviews on the Extended Theory of Value and the Combined Labor Theory of Value

  3. 联合劳动的商品生产

    Commodity production with combined labor

  4. 然而,自中国改革开放以来,联合劳动被漠视,引起了新的社会病态。

    However , the practice of united labor has been disregarded since the reform and opening of China , thus causing new social morbidity .

  5. 因此,在联合劳动和对生产资料共同占有的基础之上,重新建立劳动者个人所有的制度成为可能。

    Based on the united work and occupancy of production materials , therefore , the rebuilding of the system of laborer individual occupancy has become possible .

  6. 劳动资本化的命题,在不同的社会制度下都产生了一种新的劳动关系:作为有产者的劳动者们之间联合劳动的关系。

    In different social system , the proposition of labor capitalization has produced a new relationship among the laborers who have become owners of capital - a united labor relationship .

  7. 贯彻科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会,有必要重新解读马克思主义联合劳动理论,加强引导与组织,重建社会主义联合劳动。

    Therefore in order to carry out the scientific development philosophy and construct harmonious socialist society , it is necessary to re-understand Marxist theory of United Labor , strengthen leadership and organization , and reconstruct the practice of socialist united labor .

  8. 中国在迈向市场经济的改革中,应坚持公有制的主体地位,将公有产权与市场经济有效地融合在一起,实现一种以法人型联合劳动为基础的“市场社会主义”。

    In the reform leading to the market economy , China should maintain the leading role of public ownership , combine public property rights with market economy so as to achieve a " market socialism " based on the combined labor of legal persons .

  9. 资本联合与劳动联合相结合,更加符合马克思所说的自由人联合体的社会所有制;公私溶合,利益共享,风险共担,权责利相结合。

    Association of capital combinations and labor combinations , which is more accordant with Marx ' idea of social ( an association of free individuals ) ownership ;

  10. 企业是一个以资源、能力与知识为基础的由要素所有者联合与劳动所有者联合相结合以创造、控制、分配合作剩余的专业化生产性组织。

    Based on resource , capacity and knowledge , firm is a productive organization , which is a combination of factor property rights with labor property rights and aim to create , control and distribute the cooperative surplus .

  11. 这一时期人们继续工作并且出现了工人联合起来争取更好劳动条件的例子。

    During this period people continued to work and there were instances of workers uniting to better their condition .

  12. 人本取向个体及集体心理干预联合治疗对戒毒劳动教养人员心理健康状况的改善效果

    Ameliorative effect of client-centered therapy in combination with individual and group interventions on the psychological health status in members of drugs rehabilitation through labor