
  • 网络evaluation of professional titles;Review Title
  1. 人事管理,尤其是职称评审工作迫切需要利用网络数据库技术进行改革,因此基于Web的职称评审系统也就应运而生了。

    The work of personnel management with Chinese characteristics , especially the title evaluation has changed tremendously in this period . Then the Web-based title evaluation system came into being .

  2. Shapley值及其在职称评审中的应用

    Shapley Value and Its Application in Professional Post Authentication

  3. 在详细分析职称评审量化管理系统的功能性需求后,用UML面向对象的方法对系统进行建模。

    After the detailed analysis of the functional requirements of the titles reviewed quantitative management system , this essay uses the UML object-oriented system to model , giving detailed description of the system design and implementation .

  4. 职称评审量化管理系统(ZCLHS)的设计与实现

    Quantified management system for professional titles evaluation : design and Implementation

  5. 行政法学视野中的高校教师职称评审

    College Professional Title Evaluation : From the Perspective of Administrative Law

  6. 职称评审中教学、科研绩效评价的替代性实证研究

    Research on substitution in measurement in teaching and research performance

  7. 高校教师职务评审工作探讨青年教师破格晋升高级职称评审方法研究

    Study of Appraisal Method of Young Teachers'Breaking Rules to Promote Higher Professional Post

  8. 网上职称评审管理系统的设计

    Design of Online Title Assessing and Management System

  9. 加强职称评审前的组织管理提高评定质量

    A preparatory intensification of organizational management to raise the quality of professional title grading

  10. 职称评审是评价专业技术人才的主要方式。

    The title appraisal is the main way to appraise the specialized technical talented person .

  11. 针对这种需要,职称评审系统的设计及开发便是当务之急。

    In this case , to design the efficient evaluation system will be our top priority .

  12. 现行职称评审制度存在着一些不够完善之处,急需修正。

    It indicates the system of assessment is not perfect , and need to be revised .

  13. 科研工作量化管理系统是配合高校职称评审工作研制开发的专用软件。

    The quantitative management system of scientific research is a software developed for college technical post assessment .

  14. 从法律效果分析,教师职称评审行为具有行政法律意义。

    From the legal effect analysis , the title assessment of teachers in university has the administration legal significance .

  15. 然而通过比较分析,我们会发现以聘代评模式还是比较适应现行大学教师职称评审制度的发展。

    However , we find that the third mode is more compatible with the current faculty evaluation system development titles .

  16. 因此,该系统的应用能够很好的满足职称评审工作的需求,有利于提高职称评审工作的效率和质量。

    The system can meet the requirement of title assessment management and is beneficial to the improvement of work efficiency and quality .

  17. 高校职称评审中充分发挥同行专家鉴定导向作用的思考

    To Play Guiding Role of Experts of the same Expertise 's Examination and Appraisal in Academic Titles in Institution of Higher Learning

  18. 本系统已经在西安电子科技大学2010年职称评审工作中投入使用,运行良好。

    The system has been put into use in the title evaluation work of 2010 , Xidian University , and works well .

  19. 山西高校体育教师参与副教授职称评审的动机与目的

    On the Motivation and Purpose of Physical Education Teachers Participating the Professional Title Assessment for Associate Professor in Shanxi Colleges and Universities

  20. 从发展历史来看,大学教师职称评审制度主要经历了教师职务任命制、教师职务评定制和教师职务聘任制三个阶段。

    During the history , it mainly went through job appointments of teachers , teacher evaluation system and the duties of Teachers Employment .

  21. 在此基础之上,第六章论述非公经济企业员工职称评审改革的具体举措,涵盖评审的系列、参评机构、标准、流程、继续教育和监督机制。

    On the basis , the sixth chapter points out the reform countermeasures , including assessment series , institution , standard , process , continous education and monitoring mechanism .

  22. 如实行班主任资格证书制度、建立班主任职称评审制度、改革班主任薪酬制度。

    Such as the implementation of the head teacher qualification certification system , the establishment of the head teacher evaluation system title , the class teacher pays system reform .

  23. 随着社会的发展和对技术、知识的重视,人们越来越关注职称评审的公平性和权威性。

    With the rapid development of society and the attention for technology and knowledge , more and more consideration has taken into the fairness and authority of title assessment .

  24. 职称评审管理信息系统实现对职称评审工作全过程的计算机管理,使职称评审工作进入信息化的新阶段。

    The Post Comment Management Information System implemented the computer management during the whole process of the post comment and leaded the post comment to a new information age .

  25. 研究的创新之处表现在两个方面:第一,本文选取非公有制经济作为研究对象,对企业员工的职称评审改革研究更加微观具体。

    This paper has two aspects ' innovation : First , the paper chooses non-public economy to be the research object , and the research is more targeted and specific .

  26. 因此,高校教师职称评审行为具有可诉性,即高校教师有权提起行政诉讼以获得正当救济。

    Therefore , the title assessment of teachers in university has the litigable nature , teachers in university have the right to initiate administrative litigation to obtain the proper relief .

  27. 本文论述了高校教师职称评审过程中教学、科研绩效评价替代性的关系,给出了教学、科研工作绩效评价替代性的定义,不同的职称评审模式与替代性等。

    The paper discusses the relations between teaching-research management and substitution in performance measurements of teaching and research , defines the concept of substitution , puts forwards the classification of the problem .

  28. 文化部全国美术专业高级职称评审委员会委员。享受国务院授予的政府特殊津贴。

    He also serves as a member of the Judging Committee for National Senior Artist Professional Titles of the Ministry of Culture and receives a special government subsidy of the State Councial .

  29. 目前绝大多数高校在职称评审方法上不科学,标准也不完善,由此带来的怨愤、摩擦、冲突非常普遍,甚至还发生过一些悲剧。

    But at the present , in the most universities , the method of assessment is not scientific and the standard is not perfect , Which caused a lot of anger , friction and conflicts , even some tragedies .

  30. 系统共包括人事档案管理、工资管理、课时补贴管理、网上招聘、职称评审、职业生涯规划、绩效考核、资源信息管理、用户资料设置等九个子系统。

    The system includes nine sub-systems : personnel file management , wages management , lesson-hour subsidize management , on-line job advertisement , title judge , occupation career planning , results investigate , resources information management , user data setting , etc.