
zhí ɡōnɡ dài biǎo dà huì
  • workers' congress;employees' representatives conference;workers' representative assembly;congress of staff and workers
  1. 职工代表大会在公司中的地位和作用

    The Position and Function of Workers Congress in the Corporation

  2. 职工代表大会是职工参与管理的主要形式。

    The workers congress is the main form of workers ' participation in management .

  3. 学校及其他教育机构应当按照国家有关规定,通过以教师为主体的教职工代表大会等组织形式,保障教职工参与民主管理和监督。

    Schools and other institutions of education shall , in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State guarantee that teachers , staff members and workers participate in the democratic management and supervision through the congress of teachers , staff members and workers with teachers as its main body , or through other forms .

  4. 改制企业职工代表大会的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of the Workers ' congress in System-changing Enterprises

  5. 论高校教职工代表大会制度的改革与完善

    On the Reform and Improvement of College Faculty Congress System

  6. 试论我国职工代表大会制度的完善

    Expound the Improvement of Chinese Workers ' Congress System

  7. 编辑委员会德国工场委员会制度与中国职工代表大会制度之比较

    German Works Councils and the Revelation to China Committee Congress of Workers and Staffs

  8. 职工代表大会或者职工大会推举产生的职工代表;

    Representatives of employees elected by the workers and staff congresses or by the general staff meetings ;

  9. 各企业的工会,将成为职工代表大会和职工大会的工作机构。

    The trade union organization of each enterprise will function as the executive organ of the congresses and general meetings .

  10. 职工代表大会的工作机构是企业的工会委员会。

    The working organ of the staff and workers ' congress shall be the trade union committee of the enterprise .

  11. 企业整顿方案应当经过企业职工代表大会讨论。

    The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise .

  12. 第五,各企业事业单位普遍成立职工代表大会或职工代表会议。

    Fifth , congresses or conferences of representatives of workers and office staff will be introduced in all enterprises and institutions .

  13. 分别由中小股东大会、职工代表大会选举和银行推举产生。

    The medium and small shareholders ' meeting , congress of workers and staff elect to elect emerging with the bank separately .

  14. 切实发挥企业职工代表大会、城镇居民委员会和农村村民委员会的作用。

    The role of the workers'conferences , urban neighborhood committees and rural villagers'committees should be brought into play to improve grassroots democracy .

  15. 集体合同草案应当提交职工代表大会或者全体职工讨论通过。

    The draft of the collective contract shall be submitted to the workers ' congress or to all the workers for discussion and approval .

  16. 在集体企业改制方案设计方面,主要是集体企业职工代表大会的法律地位问题、资产量化问题和改制企业的组织形式问题。

    Those in making design for collective enterprise reform are legal status of the workers congress in collective enterprise , assessment of property and forms of reformed enterprise .

  17. 国有企业改革把职工代表大会制度与职工董事、监事制度内在地联系在一起。

    The reform of national enterprises has inherently connected the system of worker 's congress and the system of making staff workers to be directors and supervisors together .

  18. 企业整顿的情况应当向企业职工代表大会报告,并听取意见。

    The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be reported to the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise and its opinion shall be heeded .

  19. 国有企业的工会与职工代表大会的关系是:工会是职工代表大会的工作机构,而不是它的常设机构。

    The relation of the labour union of state-owned company and workers congress is : labour union is the working orgnaization of the workers congress , is not its standing body .

  20. 教育法明确规定,各级各类学校按照国家有关规定建立和健全教职工代表大会制度。

    Educational law makes clear a regulation , various and of all kinds school is built about the regulation according to the country and teach a workers congress the system soundly .

  21. 原先公有制企业实行的职工代表大会制度是具有中国特色的工人参与企业管理的一种形式。

    The workers congress system carried out by the former public ownership enterprises is one kind of form for the workers to participate in the business administration with the Chinese characteristics .

  22. 出让国有企业的,在作出出让决定之前,应当听取出让企业职工代表大会、工会的意见。

    In the event of a transfer of a state-owned enterprise , the congress of workers and staff and the trade union of the transferor shall be consulted for their opinion before a decision is made .

  23. 工会应在发挥职工代表大会作用、建立公平有效的参与和监督机制上应对国有资产的流失。

    On the basis of bringing the workers congress into full play and establishing the fair and effective participation and supervision mechanism , the trade union deals with the loss of the state - owned assets .

  24. 此外对高校去行政化的法律最新进展:《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》和《学校教职工代表大会规定》进行了简单的概述。

    In addition to the university to the administrative law the latestprogress : The Higher School for Articles of the Interim Measures and the SchoolTeaching a Workers Congress the Regulations the provisions of the simple overview .

  25. 企业工会作为职工代表大会的工作机构,应该检查督促职工代表大会决议的执行情况,发动职工落实职工代表大会决议。

    Company labour union regards the job of the workers congress as the orgnaization , should check supervise and urge the executive circumstance of workers congress resolution , start a worker to implement workers congress resolution .

  26. 因此,要充分发挥高等学校教职工代表大会的桥梁和纽带作用,调动广大教职工的积极性和创造性,不断推动高等教育工作的改革和创新。

    In order to increasingly push forward reforms and innovations in work of higher education , functions of teachers ' congress as bridges and bonds should be fully exerted , the initiatives and creativeness of teaching and administrative staff should be motivated .

  27. 职工代表大会闭幕后,由企业工会委员会作为职代会的工作机构,负责职工代表大会的日常工作。中国航海学会第一次代表大会暨1979年年会胜利闭幕

    While the conference is in recess , the committee of the trade union of the enterprise will function as its work organ and take care of the day-to-day work of the conference . The lst Congress of CIN and 1979 Annual Meeting took place

  28. 全民所有制企业的工会委员会是职工代表大会的工作机构,负责职工代表大会的日常工作,检查、督促职工代表大会决议的执行。

    The trade union committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people shall be the working body of the workers representative assembly and shall be responsible for the daily affairs of the representative assembly and for inspecting and supervising the implementation of resolutions of the representative assembly .

  29. 完善职代会制度与《职代会条例》的修订职工代表大会闭幕后,由企业工会委员会作为职代会的工作机构,负责职工代表大会的日常工作。

    Perfection of the System of Worker s Congress and the Emendation of Worker s Congress Regulations ; While the conference is in recess , the committee of the trade union of the enterprise will function as its work organ and take care of the day-to-day work of the conference .

  30. 但是,董事会成员中的职工代表由公司职工代表大会选举产生。

    On the board of directors , there shall be representatives of the staff and workers of the company .