
  • 网络Professional certification;skills assessment
  1. Milligan说,在你的空闲时间,参加一个职业认证或技能水平的班。

    In your free time , take a class that leads to professional credentials or technical proficiencies , Milligan says .

  2. 借助这项服务,你可以与经过职业认证,能够诊断普通病症,并开具处方药的本州医生进行一次类似Skype或FaceTime的简短通话。

    The service offers what amounts to a brief Skype or FaceTime call with a board-certified physician located in your state who can diagnosis and prescribe medications for common ailments .

  3. 如何在线签署思科职业认证协议?

    How do I sign the Cisco Career Certifications Agreement online ?

  4. 美国会展职业认证培训体系及其对中国的启示

    On America MICE Occupational Accreditation Training System and Its Enlightenment to China

  5. 我国公关员职业认证的理论与现实有脱节。

    The theory of China 's Professional Accreditation of Public Relations Practitioners are divorced from the reality .

  6. 在印度,与就业招聘和职业认证有关的国家考试不计其数。

    In India , there are huge national tests given for job recruitment and professional certification purposes .

  7. 我们将继续与各州合作,简化更多符合条件的工人的职业认证。

    We 're going to keep working with states to make licensing simpler for more jobs and reach more qualified workers .

  8. 项目管理协会提供研讨会、教育计划和职业认证,越来越多的组织希望项目领导人由此认证。

    The project management institute provides seminars , educational programs , and professional certification that more and more organizations desire for their project leaders .

  9. 本文通过分析我国物流培训市场的需求与供给,提出大量物流从业人员在选择物流职业认证培训时带有盲目性,对物流培训的有效需求严重不足,导致物流培训市场供需错位的现状。

    Through analyzing the demand and supply of the domestic logistics training market , the article puts forward that many logistics practitioners are blind in choosing logistics certificates .

  10. 随着各种行业的规范化,许多行业的工作都需要有专门的职业认证,各种资格证书也就成了各种工作的敲门砖。

    With the standardization of various industries , many industries are needed for special professional certification , all kinds of qualifications will become a stepping stone to a variety of work .

  11. 讲师团队结合全球三大权威职业认证的知识体系,根据中国企业的实际状况,开发出符合企业实际需求的采购、供应链管理、物流各环节公开课程。

    The professor team combining the knowledge systems of the three authority certifications with the prompt condition of Chinese company , develop different courses of procurement , supplying train and logistics accordingly .

  12. 本文在总揽美国现有的会展职业认证培训项目的基础上,对美国会展职业认证培训体系进行了分析,进而提出了中国会展职业认证培训市场存在的主要问题及发展对策。

    This paper , based on the overall view of America MICE occupational accreditation training programs , makes an analysis of America training system and furthermore puts forward China 's major problems and developing countermeasures .

  13. 十年之后,三分之二以上的工作将需要高中以上的学历,包括18周的职业认证培训到两年的大专学历,再到四年的本科乃至博士学历。

    Consider that by the end of the decade , two out of three of all jobs will require an education beyond high school , from an 18-week certificate to a two-year associate 's degree to a four-year bachelor 's , or a PhD .

  14. 资料综合:经过职业认证和登记注册,拥有从业执照的心理咨询师利用网络,通过电子邮件、视频交流、即时文本传送、网络电话等的单独或者混合使用来为来访者提供心理卫生健康服务。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Through professional conformity certification and registration , certified web-counselors whom own licensure provided the practice of psychological health counseling that occurred over one or more ways : Internet , including e-mail , text exchange , video-communication and telephone over IP , etc.

  15. 1975年,一家名为美国医师助理认证委员会(NationalCommissiononCertificationofPhysicianAssistants)的独立机构成立,对这个职业的认证进行监督。

    In 1975 , an independent organization called the National Commission on certification of physician assistants was founded to oversee certification for the profession .

  16. 教育信息和各种职业能力认证和特殊技能包含在一起。

    Educational information is included along with certifications and special skills .

  17. 引进英国燃气职业培训认证体系的研究

    Study on Introduced British Gas National Vocational Qualification Training and Certification System

  18. 秘书国家职业资格认证制度的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Secretary 's National Vocational Qualification System

  19. 浅谈职业资格认证对计算机专业教师的重要性

    The Discussion of the Significance of Professional Qualifications Authentication to Computer Teachers

  20. 试论国际化背景下职业资格认证制度的发展

    On the Development of Professional Qualification Recognition in the Background of Internationalization

  21. 开就业新路全国外经贸经理人职业资格认证首次考试

    Certified Exam of Professional Qualification for Trade Manager Finished

  22. 需要建立图书馆职业资格认证制度;需要建立新型的干部考核制度;

    Establish authentication system of library career qualification and new-fashioned cadre assessment system ;

  23. 推进水利行业项目管理人员职业资格认证工作的思考

    Consideration of promoting verification of professional qualification of project managers in water sector

  24. 国际著名职业资格认证体系&IPMA登陆中国

    Prestigious Profession Qualification System - IPMA Arriving in China

  25. 浅议图书馆职业资格认证制度

    On the Job Qualification Authentication System of the Library

  26. 图书情报职业资格认证构建研究

    Study on Professional Qualification of Library and Information

  27. 推行图书馆职业资格认证制度的可行性方案

    Feasibility Scheme of Library Professional Qualifications Authentication System

  28. 高职教育实施职业资格认证制度的理性思考

    Rational thinking on the implementation of vocational qualification certification system in higher vocational education

  29. 建立我国教育技术职业资格认证制度的初步思考

    Thoughts on the Development of the Career Certification System of Educational Technology in China

  30. 澳大利亚职业资格认证体系及其启示

    Australian Vocational Certificate System and Its Enlightenment