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ér hòu
  • after that;then
而后 [ér hòu]
  • [then;after that] 以后;后来;然后

  • 鸣呼!今而后(以后)吾将再病,教从何处呼汝耶。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

  • 如优孟摇头而歌,而后可以得志。-- 清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  • 大家先议一议,而后正式表决

而后[ér hòu]
  1. 而后采用基于Lab空间的色差梯度边缘检测方法检测天空图像的云层,结合云层特征点匹配计算出云层移动速度。

    After that , using gradient edge detection method based on Lab space color difference to detect the clouds of the sky , and with the feature points of the clouds , this work can calculate the clouds moving speed .

  2. 而后对上述有代表性的数据的基本特性、波谱特征等参数进行详细地介绍。

    After that introduces these typical data from fundamental characteristics and Spectral Signature in detail .

  3. 计算机以二进制数进行计算,而后把计算结果转换为十进制数。

    The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal .

  4. 手电筒的光在小海滩上扫过,而后照向水面搜索着。

    The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water , searching

  5. 他喝得烂醉如泥,而后一阵疼痛把他疼醒了。

    The pain roused him from his drunken stupor

  6. 开始是战后对日光浴的极度迷恋,而后迅速发展成世界性的健康危机。

    What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis .

  7. 数易其稿,而后公诸(=公之于)社会。

    It went through several drafts before being published .

  8. 而后,她试图扒下我的裤子。

    And she tried to haul my trousers down !

  9. 熟思而后言。

    Think today and speak tomorrow .

  10. 暗呼吸及光呼吸速率与叶水势降低的关系,呈现先升高而后下降的曲线类型。

    The curve pattern showed that the ratio of dark-respiration to photorespiration increased at first and decreased later on .

  11. 那位足球运动员假装朝前跑,而后突然改变方向,将球向另一个方向带去。

    The football player pretended to run forward , then cut back and took the ball the other way .

  12. 我明白了,原来那就是你的主意:你打算先油漆窗户,而后油漆门。

    I see , so that 's your game ; you 're going to paint the windows before the doors .

  13. 多丽一开始在弗吉尼亚州自己的家里运营EFK,而后扩展到当地的娱乐中心。

    Dori began operating EFK out of her Virginia home , which she then expanded to   local recreation centers .

  14. 而后,BenjaminRobins以他的几篇专论和一本书参加争论

    Benjamin Robins then entered the fray with articles and a book .

  15. 飞机猛然俯冲而后又拉了起来。

    The plane dived sharply and rose again .

  16. 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

    The difference between libel and asperse is that libel is printed while slander is spoken .

  17. 2当一句话中有两个在过去不同时段发生的动作时,先发生的动作使用过去完成时,而后发生的动作则常用一般过去时。

    The action that happens second is often in the past simple tense . In this example : I arrived . When you want to talk about two past actions , one which happened before the other , remember to use the past perfect for the first action , and the past simple for the second .

  18. 而后,在此基础上有提出了基于LED和复眼透镜结构的进一步改进方案。

    Then a further improved structure based on LED and fly-eye lens was presented .

  19. 而后根据不同的项目类型,比较不同的BT模式的特点。

    Second , Chooses different BT Mode advantages and disadvantages depending on the project types .

  20. 该工具可以方便地将Web服务运行时工件打包到一个可部署的WebApplicationArchive(war)中,而后者可以直接部署到应用服务器实例上。

    The tool conveniently packages the Web service runtime artifacts into a deployable Web Application Archive ( war ), which can directly be deployed onto an application server instance .

  21. 很明显,R值可作为衡量脆性陶瓷强度相对变化的判据,而后者是材料热震严重程度的函数。

    Apparently , for brittle ceramics the value of R could be the criterion for estimation ofthe relative change in strength which is a function of thermal shock .

  22. 而后,证明了隧道效应与传播TE模的截止波导的等效性。

    It is been proved that the tunneling effect and propagation of TE wave in cutoff waveguide are equivalent .

  23. 活化煤矸石水泥硬化浆体中Ca(OH)2的含量在水化3d时最多,而后随龄期逐渐减少;

    The content of Ca ( OH ) _2 was the most when the curing age was 3 days , and gradually reduced lately in activated coal-gangue-cement hardened paste .

  24. 而后通过CFD数值模拟来分析母线洞冷态下的阻抗及其影响因素。

    Then analyze the main electrical wire hall impedance and its influence factor under unheated condition by means of CFD numerical simulation .

  25. 而后B2受体在膜上的表达水平逐渐增加。

    After 15 min to 30 min drug treatments , the B 2 receptor expressing level increased gradually .

  26. 而后由需求分析,给出了总体设计方案,包括系统结构和设计特点,同时给出了嵌入式WINDOWSCE操作系统的定制过程。

    Considering the demand of the system , an integrated design is given , including the structure and features . Besides the process of customizing the embedded Windows CE operating system is introduced .

  27. 烧结致密化温度随着SBN含量的增加,呈先下降而后上升的趋势。

    The dense temperature decreased first , and then increased with the addition of SBN .

  28. 而后借助STEP函数对其个关节赋予已计算出的转角插值,通过仿真实验表明,人形机器人步行运动是稳定和可行的,为人形机器人进一步的步态规划研究提供了支持。

    Next , use step function to give the corner to the calculated interpolation . Simulation experiments show that humanoid robots walk movement is stable and feasible , for the humanoid robot further gait planning study to lay the foundation .

  29. 对W团购企业主要存在的团购运营管理问题进行分析,而后并对团购企业组织网络团购提出相应的建议。

    The W group purchase group purchase enterprise mainly exist in the operation and management problems are analyzed , and then the group purchase group purchase of organizational network put forward the corresponding suggestion .

  30. 在多径衰落信道下的DS-CDMA系统中,先利用子空间方法进行信道估计,而后使用信号子空间进行跟踪的检测器。

    Considering the asynchronous DS-CDMA system through fading multi-path channel , the blind detector based on subspace tracking is introduced following channel estimation .