
  • 网络COVENTRY;Coventry University;Coventry City;KIRSTY COVENTRY
  1. 校园与考文垂之间由班车连接起来。

    The campus is linked by regular bus services to Coventry .

  2. 1948年我在考文垂第一次上校外课,虽然当时我在伯明翰工作。

    I took my first extra-mural course in 1948 in Coventry , even though I was working in Birmingham

  3. TX5由位于考文垂的电动货车生产商EmeraldAutomotive设计,吉利去年收购了这家公司。

    The TX5 has been designed with Emerald Automotive , the Coventry-based electric van maker Geely acquired last year .

  4. 我怀疑这件事究竟有多大影响,英格兰考文垂华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)的会计学教授克劳福德·斯宾塞(CrawfordSpence)说。

    I am skeptical as to how big a deal this really is , said Crawford Spence , an accounting professor at Warwick Business School in Coventry , England .

  5. 现年50岁的拉塞尔在BBC的考文垂和沃里克之声工作,他之前长期请病假,最近才刚返回工作岗位。

    Mr Joslin , 50 , had been on long-term sick leave from his radio job at BBC Coventry and Warwickshire but recently returned to work .

  6. 总部位于考文垂的捷豹路虎隶属于印度的塔塔汽车(TataMotors)。该公司最初将与中国合作伙伴、国有的奇瑞汽车(CheryAutomobile)合作,生产价格稍低的SUV车型——揽胜极光(RangeRoverEvoque)。

    JLR , a unit of India 's Tata Motors , will initially produce Range Rover Evoques , one of its less expensive SUV models , with its Chinese partner , state-owned Chery Automobile .

  7. 考文垂城市委员会的副会长GeorgeDuggins说,这项计划“就像在说考文垂不是该停的地方”。

    The plans " send a message that Coventry is not a place to stop ", says George Duggins , deputy leader of the city 's council .

  8. 汇丰(HSBC)近日已宣布,将把新分离出来的那家零售和商业银行的总部设在伯明翰,而捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)已制定计划,将扩大在考文垂的总部并在伯明翰投资一家工厂。

    Already this week HSBC has announced Birmingham as the home of its newly separated retail and commercial bank , while Jaguar Land Rover has laid out plans to expand its Coventry head-quarters and invest in a plant in Birmingham .

  9. 来自英国西米德兰兹郡考文垂市华威大学的WorldFirst赛车科研小组希望赛车运动管理部门能更改比赛规则,这样他们就能参加下季的锦标赛。

    The WorldFirst team , from Warwick University , in Coventry , West Mids , hope racing chiefs will change the rules so they can compete in championship races next season .

  10. 从图片上看,日产的NV200出租车将尊重传统设计。该车型外观看上去更加现代,但仍然能让人一眼认出这是伦敦出租车。日产计划在考文垂生产这款出租车,那里也是传统伦敦出租车的制造地。

    Pictures of its NV200 taxi , which it plans to build in Coventry , home of the London taxi , suggest it will pay homage to the traditional design while giving its cab a modernised , but still recognisable , look .

  11. 我已被考文垂大学录取了,他说。

    I 've been accepted at Coventry University , he says .

  12. 考文垂与朗科恩:英国战后城市设计

    Coventry and Runcorn : Urban Design in Post - war Britain

  13. 上面说这火车只到伯明翰和考文垂。

    It says this train is for Birmingham and Coventry only .

  14. 考文垂我从没去过那里怎么样

    Coventry . I 've never been . Is it nice ?

  15. 二战期间考文垂被惨无人道地空袭过。

    Coventry was blitzed mercilessly during the second world war .

  16. 凤凰涅??&英国考文垂主教堂的重建

    Rebirth & The Reconstruction of New Coventry Cathedral in England

  17. 这位温和的、文雅的、奢华帅气的下议院议员代表了考文垂的汽车工人。

    This suave , culture-loving and luxuriantly good-looking M.P.represents the car-workers of Coventry .

  18. 她从前是住在考文垂这地方吗?

    Didn 't she use to live in Coventry ?

  19. 北考文垂的工党候选人是谁?

    Who is the labour candidate for Coventry north ?

  20. 他说了你会这样这件事和考文垂有什么关系

    What 's Coventry got to do with anything ?

  21. 从伦敦到考文垂的铁路干线。

    The main line from London to coventry .

  22. 施行邦德航空计划已经决定了跟考文垂那边核实一下

    Bond Air is go , that 's decided . Check with the Coventry lot .

  23. 戈黛娃夫人是十一世纪的一个英国贵妇,丈夫是考文垂的利奥弗里克伯爵。

    Lady Godiva was an Anglo-Saxon woman who lived in England during the 11th century .

  24. 考文垂大教堂有着非常现代的建筑风格。

    Coventry Cathedral has modern architecture .

  25. 布莱克转到意大利足球俱乐部使考文垂支持者大为震惊。

    Black 's transfer to an Italian football club came as a shock to Coventry cupporters .

  26. 根据古老的传说,勋爵摊在考文垂人身上的税既重又不公平。

    According to an old legend , the Lord taxed the people of Coventry heavily and unjustly .

  27. 9月3日星期六今日早晨青年队前往考文垂比赛并1-1握手言和。

    Sat September 3rd The youth team travels up in the morning to Coventry and draws 1-1 .

  28. 但是当得知奥斯本夫人的检验结果是阴性的时候,考文垂大学医院的医生们都大吃一惊。

    But doctors at University Hospital Coventry were stunned when Mrs Osborn 's test results came back negative .

  29. 这场比赛是星期二在科巴姆训练基地进行的,对手是考文垂预备队。

    The game took place at Cobham on Tuesday with the opposition provided by Coventry City 's reserves .

  30. 葛黛瓦是考文垂勋爵的漂亮太太。她生活在十一世纪。

    Godiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry . She lived in the eleventh century .