
lǎo lù
  • old road;beaten track;usual way
老路 [lǎo lù]
  • (1) [usual way;old road]∶以前走过的道路

  • 咱们走那条老路回家吧

  • (2) [beaten track]∶常规,惯例

  • 走老路

老路[lǎo lù]
  1. SBS改性沥青抗滑表层在老路改造中的应用研究

    Application of SBS Modified Asphalt Anti - skid Layer in Old Road

  2. 结果表明,研究SBS改性沥青抗滑表层在沥青老路改造中的应用具有重要的意义。

    As the result shown , it has important significance to study on the application of SBS modified asphalt an-ti-skid layer in old road rebuilding .

  3. 美国和日本又回到了不作为货币政策的老路。

    America and Japan have settled back into a policy of benign neglect of their currencies .

  4. 小组中几乎所有人都认为,在这个就业市场,搜寻招聘广告这类老路是走不通的。

    Nearly everybody in the group agreed that in this job market the usual avenues , like searching the want ads , are useless .

  5. 在新形势下,有些人仍然在穿新鞋,走老路。

    Under new situations and circumstances , some people persist in handling matter according to past experience and old habits .

  6. 老路拓宽沉降规律ANSYS有限元分析

    ANSYS Finite Element Analysis of Widened Settlement Law Based on Existing Road

  7. 也许他们自己想要走推特的老路搞个大型IPO公开上市。

    Maybe they want to follow Twitter 's path to a big IPO .

  8. 用欧盟(EU)资金建造的新公路无人问津,因为那是收费公路;新路本希望分流交通流量的老路,却引来了许多车辆。

    The new roads built with EU funds are deserted , since they carry a toll ; traffic has been displaced on to the roads they were designed to relieve .

  9. 落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)在老路改造工程中的应用研究

    Application of FWD in Old Road Rebuilding

  10. 采用有限元软件ABAQUS分析了新路堤作为附加荷载对老路堤和地基的影响。

    The effects of new embankment on old pavement are analyzed with FEM program ABAQUS .

  11. 奥斯特罗表示,摩托罗拉在三星突然疲弱之际发现了机会。他暗示,三星这家全球最大手机制造商甚至可能会走上诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓(BlackBerry)的老路。

    Mr Osterloh said Motorola saw an opportunity in Samsung 's sudden weakness , suggesting that the world 's largest mobile maker might even go the way of Nokia and BlackBerry .

  12. 它的对手依然对此采取观望态度,因为他们担心OLED可能会走上等离子体显示技术的老路&这种技术曾经很有前途,却由于其开发过于昂贵而最终没有得到广泛应用。

    Its rivals remain sidelined by concerns that OLED may go the way of plasma – once promising technology that has been expensive to develop and ultimately not widely adopted .

  13. 它的对手依然对此采取观望态度,因为他们担心OLED可能会走上等离子体显示技术的老路——这种技术曾经很有前途,却由于其开发过于昂贵而最终没有得到广泛应用。

    Its rivals remain sidelined by concerns that OLED may go the way of plasma - once promising technology that has been expensive to develop and ultimately not widely adopted .

  14. Deshmukh多年来担任了三次部长,许多人担心他可能走前任科学部长的老路。

    Deshmukh is the third appointment in as many years , and many fear that he may follow the path of his recent predecessors .

  15. 当乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯得知自己即将被任命为施乐公司(Xerox)CEO时,她明白要想获得成功,最简单的方法就是延续前任的老路。她的前任梅卡尼深受爱戴,正是她力挽狂澜,使公司摆脱了濒临破产的困境。

    When Ursula Burns learned that she was going to be named CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , she knew that one of the easiest ways to succeed would be to act like her popular predecessor , who brought the company back from near-bankruptcy .

  16. 我们不能走西方国家工业化的老路。

    China cannot follow the traditional , Western path of industrialisation .

  17. 问题是欧洲是否正在走日本的老路。

    The question is whether Europe is walking the same path .

  18. 浅谈运行车速理论在老路改建中的应用土工格栅在肃临公路旧路改建中的应用

    Application of Operating Driving Speed Theory in old Highway Reconstruction

  19. 看上去你又走上了老路

    It looks like you picked up right where you left off .

  20. 既然中国和平崛起走的是一条不同以往的新路,中国国际政治学理论建设同样应该有别于西方国际政治学理论建设的老路,寻找一条独特的新路。

    The difference determines a new theoretical construction of Chinese international politics .

  21. 他们宁愿走老路而不愿体验新奇的事物。

    They would rather have familiar experiences than novel ones .

  22. 先污染后治理的老路

    the old path of polluting first and cleaning up later

  23. 银行会走上股市的老路吗

    Would the banks go the same way as the stock market ?

  24. 利用强夯法处治盐渍化老路路基的应用

    On the application of the dynamic consolidation method in salinized road foundation

  25. 那条老路上有一路标,指明是封闭、不通的;

    Over the old way is a sign & Closed , Terminated .

  26. 谈城市老路改建的勘察设计

    Survey and design of old roads reconstruction in City

  27. 土工合成材料处治老路路基拓宽的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of geosynthetics treatment in old road widening

  28. 大象将要回到灭绝的老路吗?

    Will elephant return back to the distinguishing road ?

  29. 我从门德斯家后面的老路走的

    You know , I took the old footpath behind the Mendez house .

  30. 因此,欧元区会走卢布区的老路吗?

    So might the eurozone head the same way as the rouble zone ?