
  1. 作为一名老戏骨,他上场的时间把握得恰到好处。

    Like the old trouper he is , he timed his entry to perfection .

  2. 这部戏既有老戏骨又有年青演员。

    The cast features veterans and young stars .

  3. 多部世界电影巨作影星,同时也是名老戏骨的克里斯托弗李爵士逝世,终年93岁。

    Sir Christopher Lee , the veteran actor and star of many of the world 's biggest film franchises , has died aged 93 .

  4. 这位公开出柜的老戏骨说体育明星是“极其出色的人”,但是他们害怕遭到自己的支持者的否定回应。

    The veteran actor , who is open about his homosexuality , said sports stars were " absolutely admirable people ", but were afraid of negative reaction among fans .

  5. 之前一直有传言称大热英剧《唐顿庄园》要拍电影版,最近,该剧的一名演员隐约确认片中老戏骨玛吉•史密斯会参与其中。看来拍电影这事儿有点谱了。

    The long-rumored movie version of hit show Downton Abbey looks ever more likely as one of the actors has appeared to confirm the involvement of Maggie Smith in such a project .

  6. 70岁时的沈梦君由老戏骨归亚蕾饰演,但是真正有趣的是饰演20岁沈梦君的杨子姗,她可以拿老年人脾气暴躁、爱唠叨这种老套剧情大做文章。

    A veteran actress , Grace Guei , plays the character as a 70-year-old , but it 's Yang Zi Shan as the rejuvenated version who gets to have fun playing with grumpy-old-biddy clich é s.