
  • 网络Home for the elderly;old people's home;s home
  1. 你和你的同班同学正在讨论你们做什么能帮助到老年之家里的孤寡老人。

    You and your classmate are discussing what you can do to help the old and lonely people in the Old People 's Home .

  2. 社区养老服务设施投入不足,如大部分的“星光老年之家”因缺乏经费被闲置或被挪作他用。

    With insufficient funding , some community nursing facilities sit idle or are diverted to other purposes .

  3. 其中,荔湾区逢源街星光老年之家具有示范作用。

    The " Star Light Elderly Home " of Fengyuan Street , Liwan District , is a fine example of all the elderly homes in the city .

  4. 基于这一理念,我们力求将老年学研究中心建造成一座安全、健康、舒适、温馨的老年之家。

    Based on this principle , the designers have a try to build a gerontology research center as a home of the aged with safety , health , comfort and warmth .

  5. 你不觉得这地方越来越像老年人之家了么?

    Don 't you think this place looks like a nursing home for old folks ?