
lǎo chǔ nǚ
  • old maid;spinster
老处女 [lǎo chǔ nǚ]
  • (1) [spinster]∶已过一般结婚年龄的或者好像不可能要结婚的女子

  • (2) [old maid]∶古板神经质的女人,对无关紧要的琐碎事感到烦躁、懊恼的女人

老处女[lǎo chǔ nǚ]
  1. 凯瑟琳倒安心当老处女。

    Catherine has settled down to becoming an old maid .

  2. 王老五的老婆和老处女的孩子,无一不十全十美。英迪亚已完全是一副老处女的样子了。

    Bachelor 's wives and old maid ' children is always perfect .

  3. 可是对可怜的贝里却没有一个人说过一句话;她哭了六个星期(她善良的姑妈一直在严厉地斥责她),并落到一个绝望的老处女的处境。--------①英文中腿(leg)这个词的发音为莱格。

    But nobody said anything about poor Berry , who cried for six weeks ( being soundly rated by her good aunt all the time ) , and lapsed into a state of hopeless spinsterhood .

  4. 或许我命中注定只是一个忧愁的老处女。

    Maybe I am destined to be a sad old spinster .

  5. 沙龙外有个胖胖的老处女;

    There 's a fat old lady outside the saloon ;

  6. 可他却总是这样胆小怕事,小题大作,像个老处女似的。

    But he always was so nervous and fussy and old maidish .

  7. 当老处女也没什么丢人的,看看皮蒂姑妈。

    There 's nothing shameful in being a spinster .

  8. 她有过叁个丈夫,而我要变成一个老处女了。

    She 's had three husbands and I 'll be an old maid .

  9. 我开始在您家里学习老处女的行当。

    I 'll try my prentice hand as an old maid in your family .

  10. 以防变成老处女。

    To keep from being an old maid .

  11. 在美国,法律与风俗习惯一样,是把基础置于老处女的梦想之上的。

    In America law and custom alike are based upon the dreams of spinsters .

  12. 这个词与老处女同义。

    The term is synonymous with old maid .

  13. 你让你身边的每一个人紧张,哦,老处女。

    You make everyone nervous around you , yes , the old single female .

  14. 当家中有一个老处女,就不需要看门狗了。

    When there is an old maid in the house , a watchdog is unnecessary .

  15. 不受婚姻羁绊的老处女们。

    Spinsters , untamed by marriage .

  16. “妈妈可不是老处女,”身为处女的妹妹噘着嘴说。

    " Mother is not an old maid ," said his virgin sister with pinched lips .

  17. 老处女有一则安慰:不管是谁死掉也好,她也决不会当寡妇。

    An old maid has one consolation : she can never be a widow no matter who dies .

  18. 她对什么事情都容易生气!我就是无法忍受她那偏执的老处女脾气。

    She is so touchy about everything ! I just can not take all her twisted old maid notion .

  19. “我只有一个姐姐在新墨西哥州,”他主动说道。“不过,他是个地位卑微的修女,一个老处女。”

    " Just my sister in New Mexico ," he volunteered . " But she 's a humble spinster nun . "

  20. 第二章,从女性主义的视角,揭示老处女这一类人物形象产生的社会历史原因。

    The second chapter , from a feminist perspective , reveals this type of characters of the old maid of the social and historical reasons .

  21. 第一章通过具体的文本分析,叙述男性作家塑造老处女形象所持的两种态度:丑化和虚化。

    The first specific text analysis , describes a male writer to shape the spinster image held by the two attitudes : to demonize and imaginary .

  22. “不,在浴室里占卜,这太可怕了!”吃夜宵的时候,那个住在梅柳科娃家里的老处女说。

    " Oh , trying one 's fate in the bath-house , that 's awful !" was said at the supper-table by an old maiden lady who lived with the Melyukovs .

  23. 郝薇香小姐是在英国非常标志性的人物:一个坐在自己破落的大宅里哀怨的老处女,依然穿着她在婚礼时被抛弃在圣坛前时的婚纱。

    Miss Havisham is an iconic character over here in Britain : an embittered spinster who sits in her mouldering mansion still wearing the wedding dress she wore when she was jilted at the altar ;

  24. 由于男性作家在女性形象和老处女形象之间划下了一条人为的分界线,这个分界线不但划在作品中,也划在女性心中。

    Male writers to draw the image of women and spinster image of an artificial dividing line , the dividing line is not only drawn in the works , also designated in the female hearts .

  25. 正文分为三部分:第一章揭示单身少女的生存困境;第二章揭示家庭主妇的生存困境;第三章揭示老处女的生存困境。

    The thesis consists of three chapters , Chapter 1 reveal the existential plight of single girls , Chapter 2 reveal the existential plight of housewives and Chapter 3 reveal the existential plight of old maid .

  26. 几位小女儿都满怀希望,认为这一来可以早一两年出去交际了,男孩子们再也不担心夏绿蒂会当老处女了。

    The younger girls formed hopes of COMING OUT a year or two sooner than they might otherwise have done ; and the boys were relieved from their apprehension of Charlotte 's dying an old maid .

  27. 有些容的书迷和同龄人觉得,当前的文化将青春神圣化,无视年老女人,或者一味把她们贬低为老处女或者丑陋老太婆,容的小说是对这种现象的矫正,早就应该出现了。

    Some of Ms. Jong 's fans and peers are calling the novel a long overdue corrective in a cultural landscape that deifies youth and often ignores older women , or relegates them to the role of spinsters or crones .