
  1. 为了更好的进行群舒研究,我们也尝试着将聚落考古的方法运用到群舒研究中来。

    For researching Qunshu better , we also try applying settlement archaeology method in the research of Qunshu .

  2. 对各期特征进行了总结,从第一期到第二期群舒青铜器的自身特色逐渐形成。

    From the first stage to the second one , the character of Qunshu bronze ware developed gradually by itself .

  3. 然而群舒的历史在文献中仅有零星的记载,并未进行过详尽的考古学角度的研究。

    However , the history of Qunshu was only fragmentarily recorded in literature and has not being researched in detail from the angle of archaeology .

  4. 研究目的有三,建立安徽江淮地区部分陶器的发展序列,分析安徽江淮地区特征陶器的文化属性及其历时性,探讨这些器物所体现的本地方国的文化面貌及其与群舒文化之间的关系。

    As to the aim of this paper , there are three : the developing sequence of partial potteries in Jiang Huai area , the analysis of culture property and developing process of typical potteries , the discussion of the culture appearance and their relations with Qunshu culture presented .