
qún tǐ yā lì
  • Group pressure;population pressure
  1. 这种心理行为既能使个体在群体中避免受到伤害从而达到自我保护融入环境的目的,也会使个体在群体压力下丧失个性消解自我。

    This kind of psychological behavior can not only lead to the individual in the group to avoid harm to self-protection into the environment , also can make the individual in the population pressure loss of personality .

  2. 相对于面对面交流,计算机交流更关注文本信息,较少受到群体压力的影响。

    Comparing to face-to-face communication , CM communication led members to concentrate on text more .

  3. 创造力、主体需要、群体压力是影响审美能力实现的因素。

    Creativity , subjective demand and group pressure affect the realization of physical aesthetic capability .

  4. 由于承受特有的群体压力,导致了各种心理问题的产生。

    Under specific pressures , petty officer cadets in military academy are undergoing a variety of psychological problems .

  5. 我们的情况和日本及西方先进国家不同,我们缺乏有效的群体压力,阻吓人们做出反社会行为。

    Unlike in Japan and the more advanced Western countries , there is a marked absence of strong peer pressure here to deter these anti-social behaviors .

  6. 可能性主要包括政府职能转变、社会群体压力以及房地产市场调控迫使地方政府的土地财政难以为继。

    The possibility includes transformation of government functions , financial unsustainable social group pressure and the real estate market regulation to force the local government land .

  7. 目前,工作压力源的研究更加关注行业特征,着重分析某个特定群体压力成因的特征和结构。

    At present , the study of work pressure source of paying more attention to industry characteristics , focuses on the analysis of a particular group pressure causes characteristics and structure .

  8. 本研究通过团体和个体两种测验方式来考察群体压力对于服装审美的影响。

    While in explicit tests , the difference disappeared . ( 4 ) In the study , I try to examine the impact group pressure has on clothing aesthetic by group tests and individual tests .

  9. 为了能够诱发个体的社会认同或者从众行为,本研究选择群体压力(有压力、无压力)作为诱发认同或者从众的因素,并以此设置了群体评分和个体评分两种外显评价任务。

    To encourage social identity of individual or herd behavior , I plan to choose group pressure ( with pressure or without ) as the reason which results in induced agreement or herd behavior and set both group score and individual score as two explicit evaluation tasks .

  10. 结论:MBI量表具有较好的信度和效度,对于研究国内护士群体职业压力具有实践意义。

    Conclusion : MBI-Chinese version has satisfying reliability and validity ; it is applicable in research for job stress of Chinese nurses .

  11. 大学生弱势群体心理压力的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Psychological Pressure of Inferior College Students

  12. 护士群体职业压力与生活质量关系的研究

    The relationship between nurses ' occupational stress and their quality of living conditon

  13. 中层管理人员在职业群体中压力水平最高;

    The stress on mid-level management is the highest in various professional groups .

  14. 为减少来自同龄群体的压力,许多学校要求学生们穿校服。

    To lessen peer ( group ) pressure , many schools require their students to wear uniforms .

  15. 他们总是在法律与社会之间寻找平衡,总是在各种群体的压力之下寻求角色认同。

    They always try to seek the balance between law and society and identify their roles under various pressures .

  16. 然而,研究发现,针对硕士生群体婚恋压力的相关研究甚少。

    But , study has found , the related research for the master graduate groups about love and marriage pressure is limit .

  17. 相反,政治人士仍可能屈服于公众担忧以及既得利益群体的压力,阻碍自动驾驶汽车的应用。

    Conversely , politicians may yet succumb to the pressure of public fears and vested interests and frustrate the roll out of self-driving cars .

  18. 这对促进孩子们的个性很有帮助,并且也使得孩子不太可能屈服于某一单一群体的压力。

    This will help promote individuality , and will make it less likely for children to give in to peer pressure from any one group .

  19. 长期以来,受工作环境、工作性质以及传统观念等各方面的影响,公务员这一特殊群体的压力问题没有被重视。

    As the work environment , nature of work and traditional concepts , the problem of pressure groups in the civil service has long been ignored .

  20. 旨在找出这个特殊群体工作压力和职业倦怠之间的关系,并根据调查结果提出消除职业倦怠消极影响的对策。

    Its aim was to identify this particular group of job stress and the relationship between burnout and the basis of the findings to eliminate the negative effects of burnout measures .

  21. 以往对教师的研究只停留在大范围内,更多对压力的研究是针对企业人士,很少有人关心到一个特殊群体的压力,那就是高三班主任的压力。

    Researches about teachers ' pressure were done in a large scale , but did a lot for enterprise workers . Less attention has been paid to this group of people who are senior three head teachers in middle school .

  22. 我注意到了流言蜚语的三个影响:它会伤人,会使传播者有一种奇怪的满足感,还会给某个群体带来社交压力。

    I have noticed three effects of gossip : it can hurt people , it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction , and it can cause social pressures in a group .

  23. 上海交警群体的工作压力和缓解设想

    Discussion on Working Pressure of Shanghai Traffic Police and Tentative Plan of Relief

  24. 外部动机可进一步分为奖励或惩罚,功用价值,群体态度和压力。

    The external motivation is further divided into reward / punishment , utility value , group attitude and pressure .

  25. 食品价格上涨使低收入群体感到经济压力培增,他们不得不精打细算了。

    The food price surge in China has maderesidents with low incomes feel serious financial pressure and forced them tospend wisely .

  26. 因此,研究高中教师这个群体的工作压力和心理健康状况具有一定的理论和现实意义。

    Accordingly , studies about the work stress on and mental state of high school teachers is theoretically and practically significant .

  27. 食品物价上涨使低收入群体感到经济压力倍增,他们不得不精打细算了。

    The food price surge in China has made residents with low incomes feel serious financial pressure and forced them to spend wisely .

  28. 在社会竞争日益激烈的今天,职业群体的工作压力达到了前所未有的程度,职业倦怠日益成为现代社会中一种普遍存在的现象。

    In this increasingly competitive society , occupational groups ' working stress has reached an unprecedented level . Job burnout has been becoming a common phenomenon .

  29. 除高强度的政治压力之外,群体内部的压力、政治宣传的动员、政策倾斜的诱惑等,无一不在挤压着中农的生存空间,限制了中农选择的可能性。

    Besides the political pressure , group pressure , political propaganda , preferential policies and etc. all limited the living space of the middle farmers and restricted their choices .

  30. 我国高校国家助学贷款实施以来,有效地减轻了家庭经济困难学生群体的就学压力,大幅度促进了教育公平。

    Since the implementation of State Educational Loans in universities , the pressure in the poverty-stricken students has been reduced effectively and the education equality among civil citizens tremendously embodied .